"Not quirks? Separate species?" I thought to myself. I tried to press further, ask her more. I opened my mouth to speak, but I quickly shut it once the doctor began to speak again. "How's your vision?" she asked.

"M-my vision? It's... blurry," I responded. "It isn't too bad though..."

"I see... the poison's still effecting your eyes. Well your vision should go back to normal in a few days," she said. "Just don't move around to much and stay well rested." I nodded slightly, letting my guard down a little.

I still didn't fully trust her and where I was... so I made sure to watch her every move. My mind went towards what happened at home... to the man or "demon" who killed my mom. "Wh-where's the man who ki-killed my m-mom?" I questioned with a tiny bit a fury lacing my tone.

"Ah... the demon slayer who saved you killed the demon," she replied. "K-killed?" I asked. The doctor only nodded. "Why do I even care? He killed mom..." I thought to myself. I felt an unexplainable rage come over me, like a raging fire burning in my soul.

I didn't want to believe in this whole demon thing, but if it was true... then there are more out there who are doing the same thing that the one who attacked mom and I did. Finally, I decided that I wanted to know more... I had to know more...

"Please... tell me everything you know about demons... I have to know..." I pleaded to the doctor, eyes burning with fury, passion, and determination. The doctor narrowed her eyes, glaring down at me, as if attempting to test my resolve by challenging my determination with her intimidating aura. But I didn't budge... I had to stay strong... just like mom wanted.

The doctor closed her eyes and sighed deeply, contemplative in thought. She looked at me and smiled a little, seemingly given in. "Alright... I'll give you a small rundown on the nature of demons..." the doctor conceded.

"Demons are man-eating creatures, meaning they devour humans like us, in order to gain more strength and power," she began. My eyes widened at that. "Eat humans..?" I thought. I honestly wanted to throw up at the thought. "the demon who attacked me ate pieces of mom and was going to do the same to me..." Realization hit me as I continued to listen closely to the doctor's explanation.

"Demons have been around for far longer than you may think, predating the appearance of quirks by more than a thousand years. These demons are only able to come out at night. If they are exposed to sunlight, then they will burn up and fade away," the doctor continued.

"Because of their existence, the organization known as the Demon Slayer Corps work completely in secret from the public eye and eradicate the demons to protect humanity," she concluded, picking up a small syringe.

"How do you kill a demon?" I asked. If this All was true then I wanted to be a part of it, I needed to be a part of it... this was likely the only way I could get stronger...

"There are 4 ways on total... some more effective than the others... One, they can burn up in the sunlight. Two, through decapitation by a demon slayer katana. Three, by wisteria position. And four, by completely destroying a demon's cells so that they're unable to regenerate," she explained simply, holding up a finger when listing them off.

"So they can regenerate too?" I pondered aloud. I looked the doctor dead in her eyes, gulping slightly before proclaiming, "I want to join."

The doctor raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "What are you, 4?" She questioned. "Demon Slaying is far from easy... it's likely much more difficult and dangerous than it is to become a hero... in hero school you're babied... you're let off the hook. If you want to become a demon slayer... no one will go easy on you... you could very well die just from training alone... what makes you think you can handle it, kid?"

I clenched my fists, I will prove myself, I had to. But first... I had to make it a point to correct her about my age, saying,"I'm seven". She snickered at my comment.

"I know that I'm young... I know that I'm weak... I'm a quirkless nobody..." I started. She seemed slightly surprised to have learned of my quirklessness. I continued on. "But... I've always wanted to be a hero... I always wanted
to save and help those in need... When I found out that I was quirkless my whole world fell apart... everyone thought I was useless."

"I even started to practice analysis... I started to learn hero's and villain's strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and limits... But then I started getting bullied for that too... everyone started calling me a stalker because I knew everything about everyone's quirks," I explained, beginning to grow sad as I began remembering everything that my so-called best friend, Kachaan did to me.

"I knew how weak I was... I k ow how weak I am... but mom wanted me to become strong... strong for me... she told me I could become a hero... I want to prove her right... I want to prove to myself that she was right," I concluded.

If I wasn't determined before, I sure was now as I once again made eye contact with the doctor. "Please! Allow me to join!" I exclaimed

We stayed there in silence. Honestly, I was waiting for her to laugh... laugh like everyone else... laugh at my stupid dream... laugh at my quirkless status. I was completely ready for it. She did end up laughing... but it wasn't like how Kachaan and the others laughed at me. This laugh wasn't meant to sneer at me or make fun of me... it wasn't loud or degrading... it sounded like she was just... amused? Was what I said funny?

"You're crazy kid, completely insane," she chuckled, shaking her head. "But fine... I'll find a trainer for you..." she finally conceded. "Really?!" I beamed up at her, finally letting me childish side out. "Yes. But only after you've healed up," she stated.

"Okay," I agreed. "Wait... what about that girl who helped me...? Is she okay?" I asked worriedly. "She's just fine. She had far worse injuries than you, but we were able to stabilize her body... she should make a full recovery in about a week or so," she informed.

"Now hold out your arm," she ordered, holding up a syringe full of a clear liquid. I slowly held out my arm. She stuck the syringe into my forearm, injecting what I assumed to be medicine into it. "Alright, I think that's all," she muttered. "I'll go and bring you some food, okay?" She informed.

I nodded slightly, taking another sip of the cold water she had handed me. I watched as she left the room, leaving me alone again. "This is my chance... this is my chance to become stronger!"

Author's Note: More of a dialogue and exposition-based chapter this time, but I hope it was still enjoyable. Now Deku knows the very basics of demons and demon slayers, however has yet to learn about breathing styles, BDA's, and ranking systems of demons and demon slayers.

Recently reached 50 reads. It's not all that amazing, but I truly appreciate everyone who has read my story up to now. I hope you all continue to read my story. With everything I have planned, it only gets better from here.

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