Once Steve and I are done unloading the trunk, he starts packing his bag. He shoves the gas can inside and then grabs his bat. Steve also puts it in his bag, causing the bat to stick out of the top. We still haven't said a word or even looked at each other since our conversation in my driveway.

"Wait, what?"

"I'll explain later. Just meet me, Dani, and Steve at the old junkyard.


"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket."

"Steve Harrington?"

"Alright." Steve says as he closes the trunk. "Let's go."

"Just be there, stat. Over and out." Dustin says, ends the conversation 

Each of us grab a bucket of meat and we start making our trek through the woods.


The three of us are walking down the old railroad tracks, with me leading. I stay a little bit further from the boys. As of right now, I want to try and be as far away from Steve Harrington as possible.

Steve and Dustin start their own conversation, leaving me to my thoughts.

I'm never eating meat again. I say to myself as I keep throwing out small chunks onto the tracks.

Apparently, I've been in my own world because how in the hell did I not know Dustin has a crush on a girl? I listen in on his and Steve's conversation. 

"I mean, why would a girl like some nasty, slug, anyway?" Steve asks.

"An interdimensional slug? Because it's awesome." Dustin states. 

It is most definitely not cool. 

"Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I... I just... I don't know I just feeling like you're trying way too hard." 

Girls like it when guys put in effort Harrington. 

"Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?" Dustin says defensively. 

"It's not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just... just acting like you don't care."

What the fuck?

"Even if you do?"

"Yeah, exactly, it drives them nuts."

"Excuse me?" I say dumb founded as I quickly turn around.

They stop in their tracks at my sudden outburst.

"What?" Steve asks me a little defensive. "I'm just giving him advice." He gestures to Dustin with his free hand.

"Yeah and the wrong kind." I state as a matter of fact. I turn to look at Dustin, who looks so, so, confused.

"Dustin, if you really want a girl to like you. Don't listen to anything Steve says."

"Hey, that's good advice!" Steve says offended, causing me to lock eyes with him.

"No, it's not! You're teaching my little brother how to be a douchebag!" 

Steve looks at me stunned as I turn my attention back to Dustin. 

"Any girl likes it when a guy puts in effort. Show her how much you like her. Get to know her and see if you guys have any common interests. Leave her notes. Buy her flowers." At this point I began listing things I only wish Steve would do with me. "And be nice to her! Because I can tell you from experience, that no girl likes a douchebag." With that being said, I turn around and continue walking, throwing chunks of meat back out onto the railroad tracks.

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