The Doctor

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"Robin its feeding time" Dave my appointed guardian in my time being hidden by the government said.
"Can't you just say dinner time I'm not a dog dumb ass" I retorted. Everybody said I was just like my Dad with his attitude and psychotic personality.
"Well sorry" he said backing away. My place was all one big room with a bed in the corner and a tv, couch, and modern table. There was almost everything in my room but a window. I had begged for a glimpse of the outside world. I sluggishly walked over to where my bland dinner waited. I remembered the one time I went outside. It was for my 9th birthday. Dave and I went to a meadow file with grass and flowers. Yes it was beautiful but when you are only out there for 5 frickin minutes and guards pull you in while you are kicking and screaming isn't pleasant. The way I ate was slow and methodical like a rhythm that can't be broken. Scoop then bite scoop then bite over and over until I was finished.
"Lights out" the computer animated voice droned over the pa. Before I went to bed I sat there and remembered the time Dad told me about this Doctor.(Flashback) "My child I love you very much and Lucy does to" he said "But there is a man who is so dangerous his words could cause the universe to explode. This man is the doctor and you must never ever trust him"(Flashback Ends). I never saw from him or heard from him ever again. I was scared to go to bed because I would have these weird dreams of a police box at the edge of my bed just there. And a man would step out but I wouldn't have a clear view and then I would wake up. I eventually fell asleep but the dream was different this time I could here a whooshing noise at the edge of my bed. The door creaked open but I didn't wake up; I opened my eyes to see a handsome man with a bow tie and a--Fez?
"Wh-wh-o are you and what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Robin I'm here to show you the world and the universe like you've wanted" he said "so is it a deal?"
"Sure but how are we both going to fit in that" I questioned?
"Well it's what you could say bigger on the inside" he a swerved opening the doors to show me a humongous room inside.
"Wait let me pack" I told him.
"No need to there is a wardrobe in here" he said.
"So what's your name" I asked stepping into the box behind him.
"The Doctor" he replied. It was the person my father warned me about is he good or bad I thought.
"Well then GERONIMO" he yelled and pulled a lever. I was finally free but I didn't know if I could trust this man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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