SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.

Start from the beginning

Perhaps none of these are true. The end of this dossier presents well-sourced reports that question the veracity of almost every single assumption made here. You must judge carefully.**

"That actually rises the Question." Izuku said. "How can we be sure if what you're showing us is valid information?"

All eye's were on Zero now.

"Well, I do understand That you all would be Skeptical of me showing you Information about the People that i work with, But I can Guarantee that Everything in this File is true. At least, 95% of it is, Since of course I don't wanna give away all of the Information about my Friends. but I'm willing to give you all most of the Information, since I trust you all enough."

The audience was still a little Skeptical, but most Decided to trust Zero's words, since he was Already willing to give Information about the Foundation since the Beginning.

"I just hope he's telling the Truth on this one..." Aizawa thought.

**O5 Command possesses their own Mobile Task Force, MTF Alpha-01, the Red Right Hand. They alternately act as the Foundation researcher's best friend and an outright medieval inquisition, complete with 'disappearing' people who the O5s disfavor.**

"Red Right Hand? Aren't those the Guys that betrayed the Foundation?" Uraraka asked.

"Well yes, but not all of them did." said Zero. "Some members remained loyal to the Council even after most the members went Rogue. But even with that, we still keep our Eyes on them just in Case."

"Well, that's Understandable." Vlad said followed by agreements from his fellow Pro heroes.

**Besides MTF-Alpha-01, each O5 has their own personal staff and security. Usually O5 personal staff have Level 5 ("Thaumiel") access to Foundation archives (though they still need to be added to Special Access Programs, and do not have the "blanket" access that O5s do). Some of the O5's personal staff and secretaries are among the most powerful people in the Foundation.**

"Wait, what's Thaumiel?" Denki asked.

"It's the Classification for Scp's that help contain other Scp's." Zero Explained.

**O5 Council members sometimes fixate on certain Foundation researchers. Many of the most well-known Foundation doctors and agents have been under the eye of one or more O5 members, willingly or not. This does not always end well for those favored in this way.**

"So some O5's have Attachments to the most well-known Foundation employees?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Why yes indeed, some of the most well-known Foundation members have Attachments to O5 Council, like Relationships or Blood relation." Explained Zero.

"Wow, those Members must be very High ranking Employees if they have Relationships with the most Powerful people!" Denki said.

"Yeah, you can say that." said Zero.


According to some reports, the personal staff of the O5 Council are known as the Factotum. These Foundation operatives are selected for absolute loyalty, and act as personal assistants, bodyguards and decoys. Many encounters with an "O5" are actually mediated by a Factotum, dressed and disguised to perfectly resemble their assigned Council Member.

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