An almost entirely spherical body

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An almost entirely spherical body.

complete lack of a skeletal system.
While its legs, arms, and head did exist, they were found to be vestigial and heavily atrophied.
Closely resembling an air-filled balloon, SCP-2912-1 was able to transport itself through the air via an internal gas bladder (created from the left lung, so grossly enlarged that it occupied the majority of internal space) and modified anal sphincter.
Black and white skin, forming horizontal stripes around its body.
Capable of extending a long black tongue - the act producing a vocalization similar to the sound produced by "party horns"3.
Although its level of intelligence could not be ascertained, it was at least capable of understanding several English words (mostly in the form of commands).**

The first Image showed what appeared to be some kind of Clown, but It had some very noticeable things about it That Stood out, like for example, It's Giant balloon like body with Black & white Stripes And the long Tongue That stuck out of it's Mouth like a Lizard.

Most of the students were terrified by the Clown's appearance, it's everything that they ever feared about clowns.

"Ok, I hate Clowns even more now." Denki said straightforwardly.

"Same, and this is Only the first one." Said Sero.

**SCP-2912-2 Overview:

**SCP-2912-2 Overview:

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An unusually tall (2.56 meters) and spindly (with the exception of its left hand and abdomen, which both appear bloated) humanoid organism
Capable of producing music from its asymmetrical and disjointed body.
Vertebra are comparatively large and oddly shaped, producing sound similar to a xylophone in use (with 'songs' appearing to differ in correlation with the present angle of SCP-2912-2's spine). How it was able to create these sounds without directly striking individual vertebrae was never deduced.
The left hand was large and flat and used to strike its bloated abdomen - the resulting sound similar to those produced by bass drums.
Its face lacked eyes, had a bulbous red nose, (capable of honking despite being entirely organic) and was primarily dominated by a large mouth (devoid of lips).
Yellow skin covered in red 'polka dots'. Vocalizations failed to correspond with any known musical instrument but has been described by Foundation musicologists as resembling an accordion crossed with an ondes Martenot.
Potentially higher intelligence than other SCP-2912 entities, as it was able to compose unique music when commanded to do so.
Music produced by SCP-2912-2 triggered strong emotional responses among listeners - it remains unknown whether this reaction was anomalous or simply an explainable psychological response.**

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