Chapter 20: The color Purple

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You rush down the halls, "Let The match Begin!" shouted Present Mic over the intercom, you could hear him through the walls, the match was going to start so you took a shortcut, instead of going to the risers you thought it'd be better if you went through the entrance way to the arena. 

You went into the entrance way which in your opinion was a better view then the risers, thankfully you got there before they even started fighting. 

As they just stood there your anxiety for Izuku rose. The anticipation in the air, luckily you and Izuku kind have the same eye when it comes to strategy, so you knew with a mindset like yours, he'll put up a good fight. 

But when it comes to power you knew that Todoroki would have him beat, yes, Izuku's quirk is strong but his body can't handle it, so it limits his abilities, well, if he wants to be able to keep walking he'll have to limit his abilities. 

The only way you saw Izuku winning was if he kept his distance from Todoroki, and heavily evade his ice attacks, but hopefully Todoroki doesn't change his mind mid fight and use his fire, because then he'd definitely lose. 

You felt Todoroki's fire first hand, and it was scorching and powerful, for someone who barely even used his fire, it was powerful, and it could only get even more powerful.

You knew that Todoroki's first attack would be a trail of ice heading towards Izuku as an attempt to freeze him the same way he had did Sero, but Izuku could easily dismiss the attack if he just punched it. 

But if Izuku's punch is to powerful for his body to handle, then there would be no point to keep fighting, the thought of it worried you, you didn't want to see Izuku get hurt or fail. 

Suddenly not wasting anymore time, Todoroki sent an ice trail beneath his feet firing at Izuku, just as you expected, quickly Izuku flicked his finger with enough power to breath parts of the ice coming at him and sent it flying back to Todoroki. 

The aggressive shock wave is now blowing at the crowd, causing a panic within the crowd, Todoroki created an ice barrier behind him to prevent him from flying backwards. 

After the aggressive wind died down, you took a closer look at Izuku, and as you expected he had hurt his finger which only means he'd prepare to injure himself, the outcome you had dreaded is now becoming a reality. 

"Izuku you idiot" you whispered to yourself as you looked at his now injured hand, the attack was powerful, but it cost Izuku an injury, therefore not making it worth the struggle.  

Todoroki quickly sent another trail of ice at Izuku, but once again Izuku flicked his finger sending another massive shockwave to break the ice, breaking his other finger. 

Todoroki sent a third trail of ice but Izuku again mindlessly sent another aggressive shock wave by flicking his finger, breaking yet again another one. 

You could see right through Todoroki's plan, you had to give props to Todoroki, knowing that Izuku couldn't use his power without hurting himself he would send ice trails strong enough to force Izuku into using all his power.

It was either get knocked out by the ice, or break a limb and try not to get hit by the ice.

Your anxiety was rising as Todoroki sent his fourth ice trail at Izuku and yet again, Izuku flicked his finger sending another shockwave, breaking the ice and his finger. 

Todoroki then used his ice to create a ramp and ran up his ice, but Izuku switched to his already bandaged hand and broke the ice by flicking his finger.

Todoroki took a leap and aimed towards Izuku, but Izuku dodged with a jump just barely, but while Izuku was in the air, Todoroki cleverly sent another ice trail at Izuku, catching his foot. 

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