Chapter Two

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Wright's Office

     The ringing paused, "Hello?", Phoenix asked again, though last time he just got hung up on.

     "You've reached the voicemail box of-" He hung up.

     He was still feeling groggy and his head hurt from the party the night before, that wasn't why he was calling. Though, to be quite fair, he didn't really know why he was calling. He acted on impulse, as per usual.

     Maybe, it was the stupid childish side of him that hoped Edgeworth, and him could become friends again. That they could be the trio they once were back in grade school. After all, Larry did just pay the man back for something that had happened 15 years ago. They also just let him know that it was in fact Larry who had stolen the lunch money, therefore the bases on which he wanted to become a lawyer were partially filled with lies. The other still remained, he became a Defense Attorney in order to talk to Edgeworth, and so far, that had in fact worked. Oh, and anyway, he needed more friends than just Larry, now that Maya was gone.

     He'd probably have a much better chance of becoming friends with almost anyone else, than becoming friends with Edgeworth. He didn't care though, he just wanted to be friends with him, for now.

     He called one more time and once it hit the dial tone he left a voicemail. It was short and simple, "call me." He doubted that it'd work, the childish part of him was hoping it would.

     Phoenix Wright was a little relieved that Miles Edgeworth didn't answer anyhow, because he did act on impulse and he had no clue what to say besides common small talk, which Edgeworth hated... At least he'd have time to think before Edgeworth possibly called him back.

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