“What? Kill me? I live on the streets!” She huffed, folding her arms over her chest. Looking out the window she sighed.

“I won’t take this car there.” She shook her head.

“Fine, just take me.” Levi pleaded.

“I’m going too!” Erwin muttered dumping the fragments of his gun into the trash. There wasn’t any salvation for it.

“OK. Go to the corner store…” Isabell gave the driver some directions.

They reached the place she wanted about forty minutes later. Levi looked around. A late model blue Honda civic was the only car in the parking lot. Izzy pulled out some keys. She walked up to the car. Unlocking the door she looked back at Levi.

“You want to see your boy or not?” she demanded slipping behind the wheel.

“Are you even old enough to drive?” Levi asked getting in the back, while Erwin took the front.

“Dude, I’ve been driving since I was twelve!” Izzy cried.

“So, yesterday?” Erwin smirked.

Izzy took the corner hard slamming the blond against the door. Erwin laughed. Levi sat in the back gripping the seat. It wasn’t due to the girl’s driving, she was fine. No he was anxious. Eren had been right there in his arms! How had this gone so badly?

The further they drove, Levi began to see some familiar sights. Izzy was driving in circles. Ever widening, but circles none the less. She was making sure that no one from the Yeager’s or Levi’s own family followed them. This girl was smarter than he gave her credit for.

Finally she turned the wheel to drive out of town. The three people in the car were silent as the buildings gave way to trees. They drove down a few dirt roads, then Izzy turned into the field. The trail bumped along under the tires making them be jostled around. Soon, though the path was blocked by a fallen tree. Izzy stopped the car.

“We walk from here. You may hear things, but don’t attack anyone.” She was looking in the review mirror as she spoke. Levi only snorted.

They walked around the tree. Birds twittered around them. There was rustling in the grass. Levi glanced around but saw nothing of whatever was following them. He was sure they were being followed. He really needed to employee these people! His own men had been trained since childhood, but they weren’t this good!

As he was listening to the birds, Erwin muttered. “That bird is extinct.” He frowned.

“Yeah?” Izzy didn’t look left or right, she just marched forward.

They came around a small curve in their journey to see four tall late teens to early twenty somethings blocking their way. One was Furlan. One looked like a horse, of the other two, they had their faces covered up. Levi eyed them, shuffling aside to give himself room if they needed to fight. Izzy ran to Furlan.

“Why did you bring them here, Isabell?” the horse boy asked.

“He deserves the right to tell Eren his story.” Izzy explained.

“He tried to kidnap Eren!” the man yelled.

“No, that was Eren’s parents.” Levi stepped up taking the paper out of his pocket. It was the flyer with the reward for Eren’s return.

“My family and the Yeager’s have been at war for a long time. We don’t believe in experimenting on our children.”  Levi growled.

“When did you figure out Eren was a Yeager?” horse boy asked.

“When I saw this.” Levi waved the paper.

“Not when his dad shot you?” the boy pressed.

“I was too busy trying to save Eren to look back.” Levi admitted.

“Jean, let him in.” That voice. Levi swung his head to eye one of the two that had their face hidden from him.

“It’s your funeral.” Horse faced Jean muttered.

The teen pushed down his hood. Levi starred into the green eyes that had haunted his life up until now. Eren gave him a wary smile. He jerked his head toward the trees, before turning to follow the others.

“Armin, ok?” Izzy asked him. Eren rewarded her with a smile.

“Yeah, he’s good.” He nodded. His eyes flicked back toward Levi, but he said nothing to the other male.

They walked about twenty more yards before disappearing into a cave. Inside they led the way around, up, down, Levi was sure they were deliberately confusing them. After a bit, he heard other people moving around.

“… Eren’s boyfriend?” a teasing voice asked.

“Pissed I haven’t screwed you yet?” Eren called walking into a busy hub of people.

“Fuck you, I’m straight!” A bald teen cried out.

“Then why do you want to fuck me?” Eren laughed. Levi gaped at him. He hadn’t seen nor heard that laugh in so long.

“Eren…” He breathed out the name as he watched him. Sparkling green eyes drank him in. Eren jerked his head to indicate Levi should still follow him. Levi moved to do so.

Two people stepped behind him he recognized the mini Erwin and the horse faced male.

“Body guard stays here.” Horse boy insisted.

“It’s fine.” Levi nodded to Erwin.

Erwin held up his hands, he took a seat near the door. The others moved back keeping an eye on him. Levi saw Armin sit down with his bodyguard. Eren was waiting for him at the mouth of another tunnel. Levi moved to follow him.

They said nothing as they walked around a few more tunnels. Eren pushed back a blanket that was used as a door for a small enclave. He stepped inside, holding the blanket for Levi to enter. One more glance around, Levi ducked through the opening. Eren sat down on an over turned crate. Another was across from him.

“I seriously thought you were dead for the past ten years.” He muttered peeking at Levi through a flop of hair.

“You need a hair cut.” Levi growled. His hand flicked out shoving the bangs out of his way. He starred into those bejeweled eyes.

“Is that what you’ve been dying to tell me?” Eren snorted.

“I’ve missed you.” Levi sighed. Something in his chest clicked into place. It finally felt like he could breath again. He didn’t care how cautiously Eren was looking at him. He had found the little brat!

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