The girl simply bowed and left without another word while he went to do his business. 


"We need extra hands!" Andrew announced to the cooks in the kitchen. 

There were piles of dishes that needed to be cleaned immediately so the people who dealt with that couldn't offer their help. Most of the chefs were in the middle of cooking the most crucial part of the food, leaving only two free people. 

"Alright!" Khalisha answered, gently pulling Lani along to go help. "We'll give you the easy one to carry, don't worry." She said to the injured female who pouted at the baby care she was receiving because of her sprained wrist. 

Once the rest saw her they immediately grabbed the heavier dishes and soups, leaving her with the baked lobster. 

"Really guys.."


Seungmin walked out of the bathroom, seeing a few workers rushing to serve the food to their designated tables. He had zoned out staring at the beautiful scenery outside when he bumped into someone, almost falling over if it weren't for that person catching him.

"Sorry, sir. Are you okay?" He stood up straight again and looked at the slightly shorter female, taking in her appearance. 

Hair tied in a messy bun, busted lip, hazel brown eyes, cute freckles, light brown skin and a soulmate tattoo under her eyes. 

(Just for references, you can imagine what it looks like if you don't like it

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(Just for references, you can imagine what it looks like if you don't like it..)

The moment he replied with a nod she bowed politely and went to serve the food. Seungmin watched her leave, noticing the limp in her step and the bandaged arm she had used to catch him before he fell. 

He began walking back to the room when he felt his wrist burn. He stopped on his tracks and turned back and saw the woman looking at him cautiously while trying to quietly tiptoe away. 

"Wait!" He called out but his voice fell upon deaf ears as she began running past, sprinting down the stairs while skipping a few steps and disappearing. "Dang it!" He held back any bad words and chased after her. 

"Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong!" Her words loud and rushed as she continued to run away. Down the stairs, Lani almost slipped but was quick to regain her balance as she rushed to the staff rooms. 

Seungmin was now behind her, but just before he could grab her she slammed the door in his face, almost hitting him. "Sorry!" She apologized, the sounds of metal clanging against the floor was heard followed by a pained groan. 

Standing there frozen for a few moments, Seungmin processed what was happening and was quick to run back upstairs to the restaurant room. He wasn't going wait any longer for their soulmate to appear once more. 


"I am fucked!" Lani ran around the kitchen, looking for someone to help her. It had been less than a week and her soulmates already found out where she worked, they would be there at any moment and she needed to get away immediately. "Guys help me!" She cried.

With a sigh, they reluctantly went to help her. The food had all been prepared already and just needed to be served, the girls all gushed at the beautiful white, aqua and black stars on her cheeks for a bit before rushing around to find a way to hide.

"You're going to need to run away. You have the string of fate, if you hide they'll find you." Matthew stated, peeking his head out of the door to see if they were there. "Plus, if you don't leave soon, they're gonna catch you."

"Wait, but who're we looking out for?" Andrew asked, trying to look for someone who would be looking for her, but couldn't find anyone. "Because I can't see anyone rushing this way yet."

"That's not important right now, I need to get out of here." Lani grabbed whatever she needed to take home with her, taking off in a hurry through the back door.

Nadya walked into the room, a displeased look on her face before glancing at the group in confusion. "What's going on?" She asked, her displeasure long gone when she noticed Lani running away at high speeds through the window. "Why is she running away?"

"Her soulmates are here and she doesn't want to get caught." Billie replied nonchalantly, getting back to clearing her work station and cleaning up. "She doesn't usually ask for this much help so we assisted her."

"WHAT?" Nadya stood shocked. "Guys! We're supposed to get her to MEET her soulmates, not help her avoid them!" She exclaimed, remembering the request Charysse made. "Oh my gOsh!"

"Oh shit you're right-" Raya said, she too remembered the conversation with Charysse. "Guys, let's find out who her soulmates are then we can give her to them." 

"It sounds like we're going to sacrifice her." 

"Might as well." 

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door, catching everyone's attention. It wasn't any of their co-workers, they wouldn't bother to knock before bursting into the room, so their guess was that it was the people looking for their boss. 

Felice opened the door and there stood the one and only Bang Chan, smiling apologetically. "Ah sorry to disturb but, I'm kind of looking for someone.."

Everyone was stunned. Lani didn't bother to tell them that her soulmates were Stray kids? 

Nadya walked up awkwardly. "We know who you're looking for don't worry, but there's a slight issue.."

"She left!" Julius blurted out before Neil slapped a hand over his mouth. "Shut up dude." He whispered. 

"Oh, she left?" A sad disappointed looked washed over Chan's previously bright expression. "Sorry, to bother you, I'll leave now." Bowing, he turned around and began to leave. 

"That's sad.." Hudson spoke, looking at the leaving man sadly. "You know what, next time, let's tie her up and give her to them as an apology gift."

"Hudson!" Matthew shrieked at his soulmate, trying not to laugh at the brilliant idea. 

"What? He looks so sad-"

Nadya spoke up, "I'm going to go and give them information!" Making her way to the door, wanting to get this over with. "I can't not do anything after Charysse asked us to help them."

"Nadya don't! You're betraying her?" Junior questioned in disbelief, wondering if the pregnant woman was actually going to do this. 

"No, I'm just making her game a bit more challenging for her. You know? For the fun." She smirked, glancing back at the group before opening the door once more. "Besides, it's not like I'm actually going to give them big hints."

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