"Designed by Mr. Henry Wu, with an intelligence quotient comparable to the velociraptor, biospecs include a heightened sense of smell, and trained to respond to a pulse-coded laser targeting system, enabling it to isolate and track prey in complex environments." The announcer explained, as a man in the corner raised his gun to where a red beaming laser would shine from it, an innocent man being targeted. "Now first, the laser sets the target."

    The Indorapter snarled at the man, beginning to obey his orders. "And then once locked on, the acoustic signal triggers the attack." The Indorapter suddenly released a roar, lunging from inside the cage, causing all to jerk back in their seats, horrified of the creature that reached its claws out in attempt to retrieve its pray.

    "That's horrible." Zach shook his head from behind Tatum, his hands resting on her shoulders.

    "I know." She sighs, chewing her bottom lip in agitation.

    "This animal is relentless. Now, modifications are still being made-"

    "20 million!" A man shouted from inside the crowd, stunning the room, as well as the group of five.

    "No, th- this is a-a prototype. Uh, not for sale." Not listening to his words, people continued to place their bets on the creature. "I- it still is a prototype, but..."

    "That thing can't leave this building." Owen says, turning to Tate, before rushing down to where they last were. Tatum gladly followed him without another word, leaving behind Maisie, Claire and Zach.

. . .

    "YOU GOT a knife?" Owen's eyes narrowed as his vison was wary, examining the numerus sets of colored wires.

    "Wha- no, Owen, I don't have a knife." She quips, her mood being particularly tainted after what she had just witnessed. Owen sent her a look, quirking an eyebrow. She huffed, not having the energy to apologize as a loud crash came from the end of the hall, surprising the both of them. Tatum and Owen's bodies instinctively jolted towards the bang, realizing it had only been Declan and his clumsy antics.

    Tatum laughed at this, watching the dinosaur stumble around; disorientated from the beating to the head he had just received. Before she could speak up, the ding of the elevator at the end of the hall was heard, catching their attention. Mischievously sharing a look, Tatum and Owen's lips twisted into a smirk, knowing where exactly that elevator led it.

    "Declan!" She shouted his name, gaining the dinosaur's stare. "Want to have some fun?" Her lips pursed, whistling the dinosaur in command to follow her. Declan once again, did as he was told, following both Owen and Tate. The three all entered into the elevator, Owen obviously nervous by the fact Declan was currently pitching a ride with them to the location of the auction room, but Tatum was enjoying it all.

    Her hands scratched Declan's skin as the elevator had begun to move, quickly delivering them to their destination. The door to the elevator sprung open suddenly, the room filled with quiet voices whispering all around. Turning to Owen, his head nodded in Tatum's direction, informing her to do what needed to be done. Smirking to herself, Tatum released a whistle she had barely used, but knew that Declan understood.

    Suddenly, Declan flexed his skull as released a roar, storming towards a security guard who was oblivious to the entire thing. Declan's horns crashed against the man, causing him to be knocked down. Declan than continued to rampage through the room, manically throwing himself into people. Quickly, Tatum and Owen raced out of there. While Owen was distracted fighting off any men coming towards him or her, Tatum was busy trying to find a way that would lead her to a control room that could help her release the dinosaurs all at once. Knowing she'd most likely release the Indorapter as well, it was risky, but a price she'd be willing to pay.

    Her feet shuffled all around the room, jumping in and out of the way for the fearsome auctioneers to flee. Out of nowhere, Tatum's body shuddered in pain as she felt a sudden piercing pain in her abdomen, her body stumbles down to the ground only for her hands to catch her. She winced in pain, looking down to her camo green tank top, realizing a splotch of blood had begun to pool in the side of her skin. She whimpered in pain, placing a hand on her side.

    "Fuckin' assholes." She whispered, the excruciating pain overtaking her body to where she had to fall onto the ground. Her lungs panted out each breath as her head became heavy. Her body weight lifted itself up enough to where she could place itself onto a metal chair, trying her best to calm herself down while attempting to ignore the pain.

    "Tate- Tatum." Owen skid down onto his knees, noticing how tightly she held her side. "Oh, shit." He shook his head, realizing she had been hit. "Kid, we gotta go. I know it hurts, but you need to let me get you out of here, okay?"

    "Okay." She whimpers, the feeling of Owen's arms wrapping around her back and underneath her legs giving her a relief that she wouldn't need to walk. Ignoring all the of businessmen and woman around them, Owen raced towards the elevator, quickly motioning for them to be lifted up to where Claire, Maisie and Zach were huddled.

    "Don't close your eyes." He shook his head, holding tightly onto her as he ran through the tunnels to where the other three were.

    "What happened to her?" Zach rushed over to his girlfriend after seeing her state, a sudden sick feeling igniting his stomach.

    "She was shot." Owen mutters, horrified of his own words. "We gotta go, we need to get her medical help." All agreeing, the four raced down the hallway. Tate's head was resting against Owen's chest, her skin paler than usual, cheeks flushed with blood and her pulse faltering each growing moment.

    The four had scurried down where Owen and Tate were last located when seen with Declan before they took the elevator. The room stayed empty, ensuring them of their safety as they raced across the room towards an exit door. Tatum's eyes had occasionally fluttered shut, being scolded by Owen or Zach for doing something like that.

    Her body shivered as Owen came to a halt, Claire beginning to open the door for them to leave this God-awful place, before being stopped by a sudden voice. "No!" The four all turned around, hands lifting up in the air while Owen continued to hold tightly onto Tate, refusing to loosen his grip. "You two... you deserve each other." Mills said from in the middle of his two guard men towards Claire and Owen. Tatum couldn't help but roll her eyes at how cowardly this man acted. "Maisie, come with me."

    He commanded the young girl, who stayed in her rightful spot next to Zach, clutching his side. "You got your money, walk away." Owen shook his head, Tatum's shaking body inside of his arms causing his heartbeat to pick up.

    "Oh, what are you gonna do, huh?"

    "We're gonna stop this. All of it." Claire snapped, shielding Maisie from the pointed weapons.

    "How? What, are you gonna go back in time before Hammond decided to play God? You can't put it back in the box!" Shouted Mills.

    "We have to try."

    "It's too late." Mills shook his head. "Maisie, come." Continuing to not listen, the three adults all shielded the young girl from Mills, hiding her behind Zach and Owen's body. "Oh... so, you're gonna take care of her now, huh? You have no idea what she is. What do you think drove Hammond and Lockwood apart? Huh? Lockwood never had a grandchild. He just wanted his daughter back. And he had the technology. He created another. He made her again." Mills confesses, shocking all of the adults, even Tate, who's hearing was thinning.

    Before Mills could reveal anymore, the sudden bite of the Indorapter raced forward, taking both of Mills' guard dogs with him. The five adults all screamed in fear, jumping back. "Go, go, go, go!" Owen shouts, turning himself and Tate towards the exit door. The four all race out, entering into a hallway just for Claire to shove down a large filing cabinet, barricading off the exit door.

    "Stay with us, Tate."

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now