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In order for this to work, we need some rules.

1. You must follow this account my main Juleove failure to do so then you won't be added to this book. Doing so will earn you follows from both accounts and my backup. (3 total) 

2. Add this book to a public reading list and post it on your MB. I will check.

3. Follow those who follow you. If someone doesn't follow back, let me know and I'll talk to them if they still don't follow back within a week feel free to unfollow them and I'll give them a strike.

4. Three strikes and you're out.

5. Don't follow just to unfollow that's rude and will get you a strike.

6. You get to decide if you want followers by book genres or just general followers. 

7. You have a week to follow back, but if you're inactive we understand but we're not asking you to read anything just a simple follow back. It only takes a second.

8. Enjoy and have a great day. 💎

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