Issue 18 - Canon Breaker

Start from the beginning

I began to have a total freak out, holding my hand up, ready to web her at any sudden movements. This had to be the Canon Event Cindy warned me off. Her parent's death was her; it had to be Cindy Moon, this fake, this copy. Otherwise, I can't explain it.

Cindy looked just as startled, holding her hands up and backing away. She tried to defuse the situation. "H-Hey, listen to me. I don't know what you're talking about. Take it easy and relax, please."

"You got your Spider powers when a radioactive Spider bit you on a school trip to Oscorp. I know that you told me that."

"The Oscorp trip? Look, Y/N, yes, your name is Y/N, right? I never went on that trip; I was ill and took the day off school. You're clearly getting me confused with someone else."

I couldn't even react to this; I stepped back when my Spider-Sense went off.

"Now what!?"

My Spider-Sense kept going off, again and again, forcing me to keep looking around, paranoid. "Is this you!? Who are you!?"

Cindy's Parents were keeping her back as I threw my mask aside, freaking out when all of a sudden.


Ben Riley smashed through the window, tackling me out of the building. "Don't even think about going anywhere; I've got you right where I want you."

"What the hell is this!?" Carnage snapped as we were pinned to a wall being choked out. "Y/N!"

Biting my lip, I croaked out. "Suit up red!" The symbiote spread around my body, firing out and forcing the Scarlet Spider back as I fell to my knees, coughing. "Get out of my way, Riley; I need to do this!"

Ben shook his head, readying himself as we both faced off. My hand was twitching as we both readied ourselves; the moment he went to move, I had already webbed his hand and leg to the wall, propelling myself through Cindy's house and smashing Ben into the next building. Holding him down, I held my fist up, ready to knock him out when a web was attached to my chest; I was tugged across the streets as another Spider appeared, swinging along with me across the roads, holding onto the webbing, I began dodging and weaving past cars and trucks. Turning the corner, I slammed my foot down, tugging at the web and forcing the new Spider back.

She was torn from her swinging motion as I pulled my arm forward, the symbiote readying a heavy blow. As I was about to hit her, she flexed her body, flipping over me and landing behind me in an acrobatic stance; her costume was different from most other Spiders, being black and white. "We haven't had the chance to meet yet Y/N. My name's Aña Corazón; everyone else knows me as Spider-Girl."

"I don't care."

Aña stood up, smirking at this, took out a Spider-Like bola, swung it around, and shrugged it off. "I'm just trying to play nice. Don't make this any harder than it has to be!"

She began swinging around her bola, trying to knock me down. I started approaching, dodging each swing with speed and ease, bridging the gap, slamming down and punching the ground as she just evaded my strike. However, she was forced to jump back, leaving her open. Firing a web, I tugged her back, smashing Aña to the ground before kicking her back. Aña kept rolling back, jumping back into action as Ben came from behind the two, looking to start a cross-tag battle. "Carnage!"

Jumping into the air, I curled up, firing out a barrage of spikes, keeping both Spiders at bay as I built up a burst of the symbiote into a bomb-throwing it at Ben; avoiding the attack, he ran around a car and kicking it towards me. Carnage quickly expanded, turning my arm into an axe, and we cut through the car like a knife through butter. Aña struck again, quickly webbing my right arm as Ben got to my left, trying to hold me down. I tried with all my might to break free, but with a tug of war on both assaults, it became harder to do so. Screaming, I tried folding my arms as I shouted. "Let me go! You don't understand; this world is in trouble!"

A Super Nobody (Spider-Verse x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now