Chapter 1: A normal day or so they thought...

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It was a usual day at Xsoleil Academy, or so they thought it was until something weird happened...

Their day would usually starts out like this..

Doppio had just gotten up after Ver did, getting in the shower while knowing his husband was making their breakfast. He quickly got out of the shower and and dried off, going to the kitchen and seeing what his husband had cooked this time. "Whatcha making there, kaichou?" he asked with a stupid grin.

Ver smiled and looked at Doppio, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm making pancakes today, maybe tomorrow i'll make french toast.." he sighed, not wanting to but his husband always told him he was good at making french toast.

Doppio smiled and blushed softly at the small kiss as he usually does, kissing Ver's cheek back, "Well it smells good!! Keep up the good work, i'll go get dressed while you finish up in here, okay?" after Doppio got those words out, he left back to their bedroom to get ready for school that day.

Doppio came back in his uniform and grabbed one of the plates that ver had set out, "thank you, love~" he smiles as he took a bite of the pancakes. "mmmm~~ where did you learn to be such a good cook~~" Ver blushes at Doppio's comment and looks away, keeping quiet.

"y-you know i'm only a good cook because you can't cook without help.." Ver took a bite of his food before filling a glass with orange juice and taking a sip of it. "kaichou~ can i have some too?" Doppio looked at Ver while asking for some juice.

Ver nodded and was about to pour another glass of juice before being stopped. "no~ i wanna share the same glass with you kaichou~" Doppio chuckled and waited for Ver's response to his request. "oh? alright then doppi, we can share my cup!" Ver slid his glass to Doppio, smiling while he watched Doppio take a sip of the juice but not swallowing it.

Doppio smiled and chuckled, staring into Ver's eyes with gentleness and love. He watched as the same look appeared in Ver's eyes as they both started leaning towards each other, lips slowly connecting as they kissed passionately.

Ver felt puzzled as he felt some of the juice spill into his mouth, realizing that the only reason Doppio wanted to share his cup and a kiss was so they could continue to pass the juice to one another's mouths as they usually did in the morning.

Doppio usually did this so they could start the day off the way they usually would. Today wasn't normal though. The two had left and gotten to the academy to find out that there was a new council member for them to see and talk to, Hex Haywire.

They both introduced themselves to him as they both smiled and thought about how pretty Hex was. They both wanted Hex in the most sinful ways. Little did they know, Hex wanted both of them too.


508 words
ill start on chapter two soon❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you lovelies❤️

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