Peter 1 finally stops beating the Goblin and goes to pick up his glider. He raises it over his head and brings it down on Green Goblin's own head with a rageful scream

' He killed Aunt May '
'He almost killed Gwen'
'He deserves this '

Peter 2 appears and grabs the glider. Peter 1 tries to push through and reach the Goblin, but the peter 2 does not let go

He doesn't scold peter 1, however. Instead, he looks at him with understanding, compassion, and plea

The sincerity on his face slowly but gradually cools Peter 1 down. He lowers the glider and drops it

Gwen was relieved however that was soon cut short, Green Goblin pulls out another blade and plunges it into Peter 2's back. Gwen gasped at the sight

Peter 2 plummets to the ground in silent pain. Peter 3, holding Norman's cure, rushes towards them, gasping

Peter 1 glares at Norman again. "She was there... because of you... I may have struck the blow, but you...You are the one that killed her" he bursts out in a maniacal cackle as Peter 1 starts to get enraged

Peter 3 throws Peter 1 the cure, which Peter 1 catches and plunges into the Goblin's neck. He stops laughing and has a look of horror in his eyes when the serum is released

Peter 1 violently rips out the cure from Norman's neck. Peter 2, wounded but alive, smiles as Norman Osborn sinks to his knees, free of his alternate personality at last

Norman looked at his surroundings confused "Peter?"He looks down at Peter 2 in remorse

Norman shakes his head "What have I done?"

Peter 1 just stares angrily at Norman. Peter 3 joins them, bending over Peter 2 to see how he's doing

"It's you..." Peter 2 says looking at Peter 3

Peter 3 asked  "You okay?"

Peter 2 groaned but nodded "Ugh... Yeah, I'm good. I've... I've been stabbed before" he says

Peter 3 looked shocked "Oh, God. Good, good, good..." he replied

The three Spidermans look to the sky. The cracks in reality are becoming more and more noticeable

"Is... Is that happening? Or am I dying?" Peter 2 says not knowing if he was hallucinating

Peter 3 shook his head "No, no, that's happening"

"Are there people in the sky?" he squinted his eyes as he saw many figures

Up top, Doctor Strange is still trying to hold them back. Their silhouettes become somewhat visible


"I-I think this is it. I think you're about to go home. But I... uh... Thank you. I just wanted... I wanna tell you that... I really don't know how to say this, like..." Peter 1 tries to find the right words to say

Peter 3 places a hand on his shoulder encouraging him to explain " Peter "

"I want you to know that I..." he was cut off by the older version of himself

"You know. It's what we do" Peter 2 says with a smile

"Yeah. It's what we do" He says remembering that

He turns to Peter 3 " I just want to say thank you for saving Gwen" He can't contain it and hugs his multiversal counterparts

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I guess I'll see you" he says slowly backing up

NO WAY HOME - PETER PARKER Where stories live. Discover now