EIGHT, Lovin' Me.

Start from the beginning

    "That's insane." Zia laughs in awe, shaking her head. "You two said met on the island, right?" Zia looks between Zach and Tate, awaiting the answer as the couple exchanges bashfully looks.

    "Yeah," Zach smiles, grabbing Tate's hand smoothly. "She always acted like she never liked me, but I knew she couldn't lie to herself for long." Zach smirks cockily, teasing Tatum.

    "Shut up. Let's not forget I rejected you multiple times." Tatum lifted her finger, pointing to him.

    "Then I charmingly stole your heart."

    "Sure you did." Tate's lips form into a thin line as Zach winked at her. As if on cue, the vehicle comes to stop at its new destination right as the conversation ended. Tate and Zach were quick to start making an escape plan, knowing that if they were caught by Wheatley, the driver of the automobile, they'd be screwed. "We have to go find Claire and Owen — try to get to us once you're off Wheatley's radar."

    "Got it. Good luck." Zia smiles, before starting to form a new bandage for Blue to ensure she'd have a clean one for whenever she was to get up. Zach and Tate only nodded, sharing vague glances, before making their move. Exiting out of the vehicle, Tate and Zach tried to be as stealthy as possible, keeping their heads low and out of the way.

    As Tate began to creep around the corners with Zach following on her heels, the sudden feeling of force was felt on her head. Tate's eyes fluttered up, realizing Zach was folding a hat onto her head making her ease. She swiftly peered over her shoulder, sending him a smile as a thank you. He gladly returned it, throwing on his own stolen hat.

    The two then began to properly walk, watching as all the crew that was huddled on the boat, began to do their own tasks that involved relocating the dinosaurs to wherever they were assigned to be. On the main track that led to who knows where, was Trix throwing a fit in a large cargo container. Tate gasped in shock as she watched the t-rex be zapped repeatedly by tasers, encouraging her to proceed forward. Doing as she was told to, while also being bribed with a chained-up goat, Trix did what she was meant to do.

    Once fully in, the doors to the small compartment where Trix had just entered closed, sealing her in. Suddenly, through the small glass windows that looked into the room, Tate and Zach watched as Trix was dragged down by an elevator shaft, leading her to a bottom floor. Tate's jaw clenched, narrowing her eyelids. Tate knew she'd have to find a way down to wherever they were going, and she needed to do it fast.

    "Come on." She whispers, waving Zach closer. Zach paced beside her as the two entered into a password coded door that was opened by a security guard that didn't know he was helping two smugglers in. Continuing to be quiet, the two embarked around the security guard, not fueling an ounce of suspicion. "We need to find out where they're taking them. If there is some sort of door down there that leads to the outside, then we have to let them out — all of them."

    "A- all of them? You want to let the dinosaurs run free? We'll never be able to get them back, at least, not all of them." Zach spoke in an appalled down, pointing out the issue at hand.

    "I can live with that, Zach. I trained them to be adapted to humans. As long as they're free, that's all that matters."

    "God, okay." Zach shakes his head, rolling his neck around the corridor to examine it all. "This is a horrible idea, Tate."

    "But you love me for my horrible ideas." Tate's feet stopped, smiling up at him, before grasping his biceps. "I know this isn't a good time at all, but I just wanted to thank you for helping me with all of this. I know it was really hard going back to Isla Nublar, so I'm sorry if I made you feel obligated to come with me, but I am happy you came, and I'm even more happy we actually got out of there alive." She chuckles, slightly joking. "Just- thank you for caring."

    Zach's face lit up with admiration, cupping Tate's rosy cheeks. "I'm your boyfriend, Tate. I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what." He sighs, gently rubbing the rim of her cheekbone. "Since we're confessing a bunch of shit at the worst possible time, I uh- I need to tell you something Tate. And right now, I have a lot of adrenaline, so I don't think I'll have the guts to do it anytime soon even though I want to say it all the time," He laughs, seeming semi-embarrassed. "So, I'm just going to say it." He suddenly inhales a harsh breath, shaking his head gently. "Tate, I uh,"

    "Yes." She smirks, hooking her arms around the crook of his neck, knowing where this was leading. For the first time in her life, she felt so incredibly content and prepared for this. But not just content and prepared, but also excited and thrilled she had found someone so right for her.

    "I love you." He says without hesitating anymore. Nervous, his eyes fell to the ground, horrified of what Tate's reaction would be. Feeling the chill of her fingertips urging him to look up, meeting her piercing chocolate brown eyes.

    "I love you, too, Mitchell." She mutters, easing out the words with silk laced through her voice. Zach released a breath of relief, smiling joyfully to himself as his eyes shut and head shook. Tate smiled at his adoring reaction, tilting her head down to get his attention. "Thanks for lovin' me."

    "How could I not, Grant." With a rushing urge to connect their lips, Zach did so, holding the back of her neck as he eagerly molded their mouths together. Tate couldn't contain the growing grin on her lips, letting it expand each touch of their lips. Zach mimicked the expression, the couple exhaling their laughter. "We need to go."

    "Yeah." She nods her head, trailing her hands down so her left palm could connect to his, whisking him away with much haste. Zach gladly followed in pursuit, couniting to wear the same thrilling smirk on his lips.

    Even though their nerves were shot with warmth, they knew the task at hand was more important.

authors note

i love them so much

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now