Chapter One

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S2Ep1- Under Pressure

Chapter One
Calendar Drama

"YOU READY to start at a new school mijo?" Angela questioned her son before they both left the house and drove themselves to their destinations.

"Yes, Mamá," Miguel answered. "You ready for Tío to join you're team?"

"Of course." Angela smiled, kissing her son's head before she went to her car. "Have a good day I love you."

"Love you too."

Just like Angela thought, her ten-minute drive to work turned into twenty, but she still made it in time to be greeted by her coworkers and friends.

"Howdy." She greeted Hen as they both walked in together wearing their casual clothes.

"Good morning," Hen responded with a small smile.

"My son's a junior, he's growing up way too fast," Angela told the woman beside her, with a frown.

"I swear kids grow up way too fast," Hen responded. "There is no reason for them to be adults in what feels like 2 years."

"For real!" Angela agreed. "I remember my little boy being born, being that small and well screaming. Which isn't something I miss."

Hen laughed. "I don't think anyone misses the screaming stage of having an infant."

"I was grateful that I had Weasley." A small yet sad smile touch the brunette's lips as she talked about her late husband. (Who ofc comes with drama. If you'd like to guess my plan go for it)

Hen rubbed the women's back before changing the topic. "Look, it's Chim."

Angela's glared at her friend who gestured her head towards chimney who was outside, Hen was trying to fluster her due to her knowledge of the small crush she had gained over the past few months for the man.

"Looking good, Sam." Bobby's voice spoke as he came into his station. "You make that shine, Tanika. Outstanding haircut, Martin."

"You are cheery," Hen stated.

"Kinda too cheery," Angela added.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Bobby asked the pair.

"I don't know," Hen answered. "Maybe cause you've been like this for weeks now and it's starting to get on my nerves."

"And mine," Angela muttered. "No one is this happy."

"What's going on with you?" Hen questioned.

"I got another DXA scan." Buck spoke not realizing he was interrupting a conversation. "and guess who dropped another half percent?"

"What?" Hen inquired confused.

"The hell is a DXA scan?" Angela asked with a puzzled look.

"A DXA scan measures your body fat," Buck answered. "You can see your percentage in every part of your body."

"Oh yeah?" Chimney questioned behind everyone. "They measure the fat in your head?"

"Ah, see that would be funny," Buck responded as the rest of the group laughed. "but we're about a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Day, Smoldering Nights: men of the LAFD wall calendar, and I'm already at my goal weight, so it seems like my head is clearly working perfectly."

"Dear God," Angela muttered shaking her head.

"Do you really need to use that whole title?" Hen asked. "You could just say 'that idiotic, reductive, sexiest calendar that insults the dignity of this organization and furthers the myth that all firefighters are male.'"

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