The beginning

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One night a princess named Veronica went out to the stables as she grabbed a horse she mounted her self upon the horses.As she headed out to the forests she saw a man in the distance and she was interested because she is the only one that comes to the forest at night. So as she got closer she saw his gray eyes his brown-ish skin and his long dark hair as he gazed at the moon all of a sudden he grew gray fur and long sharp claw's as she saw all of it happen she fell and all of a sudden he looked at her and ran at her but instead of attacking her he help her up and said don't be scared i won't hurt you and she look in his eyes sh slow but surely feel her heart stayed hurting she has never felt this feeling before as the misterious man told her his name is jack the she fainted so he pick her up and ran in to forests then she wakes up in a bed and didn't know were she was she got up and went out side the sun shining in her face she saw the man she saw in the forest with his shirt off chopping wood. As he turn around she started blushing then asked her do you fell all right she yes but can you put a shirt on he said okay as wald by into the house he turned around and asked her what her name she said my name i Veronica Vonsilver.As jack looked at her he ate said so your a noble Veronica said yes.As she thought she said I have to get back home and asked where is her horse he said that is ran back to the capital. Then I said I can take you home she said okay can we leave right away he said okay as he transformed into a werewolf again he put her on his back and ran as fast as he can as they got closer he stop and turn back into a human and they both walked back into the capital as everyone looked and whispers as she walks by that's the princess and who is that man that he is with as they made it in front of the castle they said by to each other as the went separate ways as Veronica walked in to the castle the knight asked was she okay Veronica told the knight that she was fine as they rushed to the king and said sir Cyrus your daughter as made it back the king then said tell my daughter to report to my thrown room at once. As Veronica opened the door to the thrown room

To be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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