|Sebastian, William, Sherlock, + Louis| Seeing S/O in Lingerie Reaction

Start from the beginning

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-When you asked him to come with you to go underwear shopping, he was shocked, to say the least.

-But he quickly recovered and agreed.

-You definitely have his attention now.

-While his eyes kept following you while he drank his tea, his smile was different than it usually was.

-It was more... devious, so to speak.

-While he keeps his composure, a lot has happened in his mind.

-While you were picking some things, William acted like a perfect gentleman.

-Holds the clothes you picked, heartfelt compliments to boost your confidence, over all the best boyfriend you could ask for.

-Almost too good to be true. And it was.

-He might have thought of a few scenarios on how the two of you could get away with it in the store.

-It helped that it was a pretty private dressing room, considering the store was made just for the nobles, where it was just you and him.

-Even the workers were far from earshot, attending to the other customers at the front.

-But he didn't continue since he saw you enjoying your little date and didn't want to ruin your good mood.

-It didn't help that you would ask him for help to put some of them on, though... Or take them off.

-Besides, he has the whole night planned just for the two of you, and he's making sure no one would bother you two.

You hummed happily as you swung the bags in your arms, satisfied with your purchases.

"I'm surprised you agreed to go shopping with me, Will!" you mused as you turned to William, "Didn't you have a meeting later with everyone? Wouldn't you be late?"

William gave you a smile as he grabbed your hand, "The meeting was moved since some of the professors were out sick,"

"Is that so..." you trailed off, shrugging off his response.

William quietly chuckled, remembering the surprised expressions his comrades had when he said the meeting was canceled and assigned a new mission to everyone.

The manor was now empty until morning.

"Well, whatever! I can't wait to try these at home," you beamed, looking down at your new haul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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