uhh i hate gays

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It was around 3AM in Andi and Anrew's place. They were both somewhat asleep and the only light source was the dim moon outside the window which illuminated their furniture slightly. Andi turned over in bed, her eyes slightly opening when she heard her boyfriend groan in his sleep. "Anrew? What's wrong?" Andi asked him nervously. She shook him a little and he jolted up. "Holy shit..." Anrew grumbled as he laid there, drenched in cold sweat and tears. "Bad dream again?" Andi inquired curiously as she pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and let out a sharp sigh. "It wasn't just bad... It was like, I don't know... It's complicated, Andi." Anrew groaned, burying his face into his girlfriend's neck as he tried to calm down his breathing. "Babe, it's ok. I'm here." Andi assured him and looked into his pupil-less eyes. "I dunno who's up in your dream department but I think we need to get them fired," Andi was trying to lighten the mood with her jokes. Anrew rolled his eyes playfully at her remark. "Yeah. Fuck 'em." Anrew joked and chuckled at Andi's reaction. "Seriously, though. You ok now?" Andi asked him once he had calmed down. "Yeah, babe," Anrew reassured her and kissed her softly on the lips. She smiled and snuggled against him.

"Just know that I'm always here for you, ok? I love you." Andi murmured against his lips and pressed one last kiss to his mouth before resting back against him. Anrew grinned and wrapped an arm tighter around her waist. "I love me too," he smirked. "You're pretty awesome, you know that?" Andi mused. "Of course I do, babe." Anrew replied and gave her a soft peck on the lips. The two were silent for a moment, listening to their breathing and feeling each other's presence. Andi worked up the courage and asked a question, the question she'd been scared to ask. "Did that low-quality fanfiction traumatize you that badly, Anrew?" Andi was a little worried. Anrew had claimed he'd been dreaming of this fanfiction that someone wrote of him, it was a very poorly written fanfiction that made him want to die. Andi had read it earlier after Anrew sent her a link and she physically cringed just thinking about it. "Yes, that thing was so fucking terrible that I'm shaking." Andi sighed and kissed him. "Was it the kind of bad where it's the quality that upsets you more than the subject material? Because that's what it was for me." Andi replied nonchalantly. "Same. That thing was crappier than that Grimace shake."

She sat up in their bed and turned on a lamp. "Why the hell would anyone even make that, Anrew?" She was genuinely intrigued by the thought-process of this asshole who wrote that trashy fanfiction. "It's stupid and doesn't seem realistic. There isn't enough characterization or anything!" Anrew trailed off as he remembered the story. "What a fucking amateur!" Andi scoffed. She held Anrew close and yawned. "I think I became religious after reading that god-awful fic." "Agreed." Anrew stood up and put some pants on and Andi grabbed a can of 7UP from the mini-fridge that rested in the corner of their room. "Hey, babe?" Andi called out to him. "Yeah?"

"Let's agree to never open Wattpad again for any reason, ok?"

"You don't have to ask me twice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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