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Ravenna tried to stop Roman but he pushed her hands away. He was tending to her temple that got slammed into the driver's door when the car was flipped. He put the butterfly bandages against her skin. Outside of minor scratches and bruises, Dom didn't hurt them too badly. However, it was more they were upset that Dom would hurt them in the first place.

Roman gently pressed the edges of the butterfly bandage on Ravenna's temple. "There."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I don't need Han's ghost comin' for my ass."

Ravenna chuckled. "Thanks Rome."

"You're welcome, Ravi."

"Anything?" Hobbs asked as Little Nobody approached.

"They're gone." Little Nobody said. "And DOD confirmed it was a nuclear football. He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes." Ravenna's eyes closed. "I don't know what it is, but... but they're building towards something." He said.

Hobbs didn't hear anything else. "Deckard?"

Little Nobody sat down at the table in the Toy Shop, shaking his head. "He didn't make it." Ravenna jumped when Hobbs punched the crate next to him as he walked off.

Shaw's death was... pointless. Not in the sense that he didn't deserve it since he killed Han. But something still didn't sit right with Ravenna. Dom just killed Deckard without thinking. Raven knew her cousin and he wouldn't just kill someone like that. He usually had a plan before that happened. She heard what Dom did when he looked for Letty's "murderer" and what happened. He had plans for everything he did.

Ravenna leaned back in the chair. She hoped Dom had a plan that he wasn't telling the team because... this Dom was someone Ravenna didn't want to see again.

"Can you pull up the footage from the guy in the alley?" Letty asked.

"Traffic cams." Ramsey said to Tej. He nodded. Tej did what he needed to do, bringing up the picture of the guy that was in the alley with Dom and Letty.

"I knew it." Letty got up from the stairs she was sitting on. "I recognize that guy - that's Connor Rhodes. I met him when I was working with Shaw's brother. He wanted us to get the Nightshade device for him. He must've been workin' with that bitch the whole time." Letty explained.

Ramsey nodded as she looked up Conner Rhodes. "He's also linked to somebody I'd quite like to forget." Ramsey stated.

"Mose Jakande. Warlord who tried to get God's Eye." Hobbs said.

"Which means that's twice that Dom has messed up Cipher's business." Tej said.

Ravenna clicked her tongue. "Well, now I kinda understand why Cipher picked him. Pick the guy that's causing your plans to end before they begin." Ravenna said.

"But why Dom?" Roman asked. "She coulda picked any of us."

"That is one of the number one questions in my mind." Raven sighed. "The other problem is, we can't find Cipher." She added.

"The problem we've had with tracking Cipher is there's nothing to trace. But now we have Rhodes' information." Ramsey said.

"And we're gettin' snapshots of his data before it's scrubbed off the Net." Tej said.

"That looks like somebody's bank account, so why don't we just go ahead-"

"It's a longitude. Given the fact that Dom hit a Russian motorcade, safe to say it's Russia. Go ahead and bring up the map." Hobbs said as Tej and Ramsey did their things on the computers in front of them. Tej brought up the map. "Good, let's start here and run the possibilities." Hobbs said as he looked over the map.

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