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Nobodys pov:

The year is 2023. The world is witnessing the 4th corporate war between Arasaka and militech. A war that killed many and one that would would be burnt into the minds of vets and civilians alike

Right now Johnny silverhand's plan to decimate Arasaka tower is underway and one of his closer allies are on the ground to support in corpo plaza...the young soldier is only 17 himself yet was hand selected by Militech and transormed into a killing machine trained to hate Arasaka.

???'s pov:

It's so lonely out painstakingly men are getting gunned down as we retreat and my comrades where are they?

I stand in corpo plaza as a militech operative. It's the year 2023 and my name is y/n but people just call impulse. Johnny silverhand, true gonk. Attacking Arasaka tower with a thermonuclear's worked. The building is blown but we we're giving ground assistance...fuck that was such a bad idea...


Y/n: f-fall back...retreat into Watson district...close off the bridges. Blow them up.


I walk foward and hold my gun steady. I understand that survival is a fools gamble in my case

Y/n: Fall back...RETREAT!

I scream as my men follow my orders as I start gunning down Arasaka soldiers and ninjas. One of them landed a good shot in my arm. I use my other arm to shoot wildly as I'm shot in the chest making me collapse.

These 'saka gonks surround me and get medics to me. I'm put in an enduced coma and simply transported to another location.
I awake in a chair to see silverhands lifeless body being dragged looked so far gone. Like his soul had been wiped clear of the corpse.

Saburo Arasaka

He stood ahead of me with a sick and small grin

Saburo: need we converse in english for you, young man?

Y/n: get outta here Arasaka or I'll kill you

My hands weren't tied for some reason...they're more dense than I thought

Saburo: go ahead then...I'll allow you to murder me here and now. End the war and make militech dominant

Y/n: are you wack? Not gonna get your cronies to defend you or anythin'?

Saburo: no my boy...because I know under all that bark is no bite of any form...just a scared and confused boy with nowhere to call home.

Y/n: tch...y-you know nothing...militech support me...they help me!

Saburo: is that why they left you for dead. Every man had their choice to flee and took it but you didn't. They left you to die.

I think for a moment as I slump my head realising he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth.

Y/n: *slightly sobbing* damn it...damn you Arasaka!

Saburo: my boy, I offer you a deal...join my ranks. I shall place you into a form of cryo-stasis until the year...2080 where you will be released unto the world. Your consciousness will be placed in cyberspace...into the net, where you will train until your release for years as we augment your body with nothing but the best and what you can handle. What do you say young man?

Y/n: I-I...I'm in...I'll do it


Im now in a stasis chamber ready to be froze as I'm slipped into the net for training. I shall awaken 57 years from now not having aged a day and ready...with chrome and a will to serve and fight.

53 years later

I've trained for so long. Been augmented so arms are mantis bladed with gorilla arms merged within...interesting ingenuity. My tendens are reinforced allowing me to jump mid air...I also have a sandevistan at mk.4, my eyes were also chromed with new 'kiroshi' models.

Suddenly I'm abruptly stripped from cyberspace and I fall from my stasis chamber with a thud...I'm in arasaka floor...with saburo arasaka ahead of me...he would occasionally join me in cyberspace, i have grown fond of him. I understand why I battle for Arasaka now.

Saburo: hello my glad to see you in reality. Sadly we had to take you from stasis the year is 2076. We will send you to Arasaka academy down on the bottom of corpo plaza for now. I shall be in touch soon

He says as I stand, now dressed in an arasaka suit. It glimmers on the lights a little. As I stand up I see a man fully made from metal except his top half of his face

Adam smasher: 'member me kid...Adam smasher

Y/n: been a've chromed the fuck up huh. Gone full 'borg

Smasher: had no choice but I like it

You nod as you're sent to the lowest floor of Arasaka tower and ushered to the Academy by a regular employee of Arasaka. You make it to the gates as people stare and gawk in awe

???: that's the ex-militech guy from 2023

???: really? He's so young...and hot

???: what a jackass. Betrays his men and thinks we'll welcome him!?

???: look at that he not psycho yet!?

You stop as people keep staring and whispering

Y/n: Anyone have any comments please speak up! I am not going to be gossiped about by lowly scum like you all...don't think that silverspoon can't be ripped from your privileged gullets

You scoff as you see a boy walk next to you. He has different styled hair to everybody else...he also wears a pendant of the cross, he doesn't give off corpo vibes

David: yo choom wassup. Names David martinez, was yours?

Y/n: y/n l/n pleasure to meet you David, where are you from?

David: Arroyo in Santo Domingo...lemme guess, I should leave cuz no kid from santo will amount to nothin'

Y/n: on the contrary. I don't care about who you are. I'm not interested in anyone...choom

You leave and attend school like a regular student for the day

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