"Do you know her Maxi? Is this the one you told me about?" Deano asked. Maxi yelled out in response.

"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE HER! EIREANN!!" The boy broke free from Singlet's grip. He ran up to the girl before Deano pushed him back. The boy fell onto his back on the sand and just lay down and cried.

By now a crowd had accumulated and watched the chaos ensue.

"Please refrain from touching the body. Administering a shock now in three." All hands left the body as the machine instructed.

"Two. One." A loud shock raised the girls back off the ground and back down again.

Three more shocks were administered before they rolled her over and she vomited the water out of her body.

The girl coughed and heaved for air before lying her head back down. They sliped the intubation tube into her mouth before they could make sure she was breathing properly again.

"Don't move. Can you hear me? Blink twice if you can hear me." Deano instructed. The girl blinked twice.

"Good. Im Deano. This is Jethro. We caught you floating in the rip. Can you remember what happened." The girl didnt move or reply.

The men slipped a neck brace onto her and heaved her onto the spinal board.

Maxi, hearing what happed, stood up and ran to the girl, tears falling down his face.

"Eireann. Its me Maxi. You're ok. Its ok." He stroked her cheek as a few tears slid from her eyes and wiped them away.

"Go with her Maxi. Its ok." Hoppo gave him the let go and Maxi followed the paramedics into the ambulance and to the hospital.

"You good Jeff?" Singlets asked the blonde. "You did it. Your first patient survived because of you." He gave the boy a solid pat on the back and Jethro smiled slightly, proud of what hed done but worried for his friend.

"Dont worry about Maxi. He'll come through. His friend is ok thanks to you. He'll be alright mate. Lets get back to work." The four split into each Rhino and drove back to the tower.

Each lifeguard took turns being interviewed behind the cameras.

"I was honestly terrified. When I came over that wave and saw her just floating there, I almost burst into tears. I was so afraid. When we got to the beach I just gave it my all. After 10 minutes of CPR, I almost gave up, when the defib picked up a shockable rythm, I almost collapsed from relief. Then the Ambo came. Ugh man. What a rescue. Poor Maxi though..." Jethro was first.

" I had to hold Maci back with Singlets, poor kid, but I had to help the other two with the patient... Its been a rough day for us all..." Hoppo was next.

"Having seen maci in Singlets' arms writhing to get to his friend was heart wrenching. Really it was. Its not everyday that your best friend drowns at Bondi. Man what a day." Then Deano

"Holding the poor kid back really tore ojt my heart. It was hard. Ive never seen Maxi so Distraught before, I was honestly afraid for him..." Singlets starts tearing up. "But you gotta do what you gotta do. Were here for you man" Singlets finished.

The next day Maxi was back at work.

"How is she?" Jethro asked before being engulfed into a big hug.

"Thank you so much!" The boy nestled his head into Jethro's shoulder to hide his tear filled eyes. Jethro patted his back and comforted him.

"Just doing our job mate. You'd do the same. Im glad shes ok. Any reason why she was fully clothed tho?" This caught the attention of the other lifeguards in the tower. The pair pulled away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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