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You were coming out of your match with Bianca which you won . Suddenly you bumped into someone.

"My bad" you say.

"Better be" they say.
You look back and see Roman Reigns. Then you roll eyes and head to your room and decompress and shower.

"Girl I'm so proud of you" Shotzi stops you in your tracks.

"Thanks girl it was much needed win for me after I came back from my injury. I'll catch you later"

"Alright girly " She hugs you and walks away. Before you head in you spot Roman again he spots you. You roll your eyes and go in your room and do what you need to do. You got your outfit and put on music and go shower. After your shower you hear pounding on your locker room door.

"God damn it who is it. You better have a reason your pounding at my door." You throw your hair up real quick. You groan but when you open the door up you are met by him.

"What do you want?" You question

"Why you roll your eyes at me?" Roman questions

"Because I can you aren't my boss."

"But I'm the tribal chief" he says .

"And so the fuck what you don't go pounding at peoples door for a damn reason" you state.

"You bumped into me and rolled your eyes "

"I said my bad you said Better be in reality you could've watched where you were going." He groaned. It was low key kind of hot.

"Whatever don't roll your eyes at me again" he says. God damn he was sexy.

" Yeah yeah yeah see you around Roman " you say shutting your door in his face.
A few minutes later there was another knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Jey and Jimmy" they say in unison. Them two man were something else.

" What's up " you say opening the door.

" we saw you slam your door in Roman's face. What happened?" Jey asked.

"He got mad I rolled my eyes at him and didn't let him intimidate me. You say.

"Girl that's what's up . That's what we like about you" Jimmy says

"Yeah you bad ass. You wanna come hang and play video games with some of the other stars back at the hotel. "

"Thanks Jey and yeah I'm game just let me grab my stuff send me the details I'll be there I'll bring some snacks."

"Oooo get the good ones too." Jimmy says.


"I got you uce." I say. They hug me then head out. I grab my stuff and walk to my rental and put my stuff in the trunk. As I put my stuff in my trunk I hear foot steps and then turn and see Roman. Ugh what now Roman I think to myself.

"What now Roman"

"You really not gonna apologize for all that."

Roman Reigns ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now