press, pull, bleed

Start from the beginning








Time passes all too slowly.
We wait.
In the almost silence.
The tick

All we can hear.
Until finally.

"Mr Lupin, Mr Potter?" A soft Scottish accident speaks.
"Professor?" James stands immediately.
I just stare at the tiled floor Infront of me.
"Poppy called me, she said there had been an incident. Why am I not surprised that you too were involv- Merlin Mr. Lupin? What happened??"
I finally look up and see her staring at the blood which covers me, visible now in the dim light of her lamp.
"I-its, i-its Teddy she...she-"
"She's in there." James says solemnly, pointing at the doors to the hospital wing.
"Alright you two boys stay right there and I'll speak to you in a moment." McGonagall sweeps away and hurrys into the hospital wing.

Silence once more.




The doors to the hospital wing swing open again. I look up. Tears stream down Professor McGonagall's face.
She's dead.

"Could you both follow me please?" She says and begins hurrying down the corridor, sniffling and wiping tears from her cheeks.
"Professor I-i can't-"
"There's little difference between you sitting outside the hospital wing and in my office Mr.Lupin, either way you will not be visiting Ms.Malfoy any time soon. So if you would both follow me now please."
We hurry after her, towards her office.
Once there we sit in two padded chairs.
"Would either of you like a cup of tea? Or a biscuit perhaps?"
We both shake our heads no.
"No thank you professor," James says politely.

"Now boys, something terrible has happened tonight. I need you both to be completely honest with me and tell me what exactly happened to Ms.Malfoy and who is responsible for it."
Something terrible...
She's dead isn't she
She's fucking dead
How could she just go and fucking die?
That fucking bitch.

"Mr.Lupin? I understand you brought Ms.Malfoy to the hospital wing, is that correct?"
I can feel her eyes on me. My throat is too dry, my eyes too full of tears, my hands too covered in blood. I can't think about her questions right now. I need to get to Teddy, I need to be with her if she- but what if she's already...
"Mr Lupin?"
"I think he's in shock, professor." James says softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I see...Mr. Potter can you explain to me what happened tonight?"
"Um...well... You see I'm not really sure professor, I didn't really see it happen."
"Just tell me what you know, James."

So James does.
He tells her how there was a party.
For me.
He tells her how it got a bit crazy.
He tells her how everyone was drunk, especially Teddy.
He tells her about how Teddy was drunk before she even arrived at the party.
He tells her how Teddy did enough drugs to knock out a horse.
He tells her how Teddy disappeared for a bit during the party, how no one knew where she was.
He tells her how when she reappeared she looked different, cold or upset or angry or a mixture of everything.
He tells her how Teddy did more drugs in the bathroom with Marlene and Sirius.
He tells her how something had changed in Teddy.
He tells her about how Teddy smashed a mirror and sat down, laughing, in the broken glass.
He tells her about how Sirius said it looked like she couldn't even feel the shards that impaled her feet, hands and legs as she laughed like a maniac while crying her eyes out.
He tells her about how Sirius said she started rambling, about her dad, about some uncle, about some Slytherin called Mulciber, about Regulus Black, about me....
James tells McGonagall things I didn't even know.
He tells her that Teddy sliced her own wrists open and lay in shards of glass as she bled to death.
He tells her how Sirius and Marlene tried to stop her, but being high off their heads they froze and didn't know what to do.
He tells her that I found her laying in a pool of blood and tried to save her.
That I carried her to the hospital wing.

Fall Apart- R.J.LWhere stories live. Discover now