New Companion

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"No! Lestat!" I couldn't stop myself from shoving him off of Louis, I watched Louis as well and knew his pain for I also wished for death.

I have no doubt that Lestat was watching me as well but his twisted laughter when Louis was turning upsetted me.

"Is wishing for death, how you choose us? All either wanted was for it all to end where do you get off on in bringing us to hell!"

"Now look with your vampire eyes." So be it, I just hope he pleases Lestat. *Time skip* "Useful trick when you're stuck on a ship at sea." "Just feed Louis, I promise you your torment would end."

I spoke with a solemn voice, it was like looking in a mirror. "See even (y,n) agrees with me." "I do not agree with you, snob. I only speak because I know his pain and feeding ends it."

"Never." Needless to say Lestat grew weary of Louis' incessant fasting and rode off. "I have to admit you are stubborn, he likes you otherwise you would've been killed."

Louis stared at me with a look of desperation. "How, when I'm already in hell." I knew how to weaken a vampire but out of sheer fear of losing everything I had left I lied.

"He's Lestat. He'd find a way to do so." At that moment we bonded, both stuck in a world we asked for, both unable to leave it. "Are you not hungry?" Yvette walked in.

Love In The Darkness Lestat X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now