Four Girls, One Bar

Comincia dall'inizio

"Look Mary! Patty loves you!" Freddie said, bending over and picking up the cat that had affectionately walked around Mary.

"Pa...Patty?" she questioned.

"Yes. That's Patty. She wandered in off the street on day when she was much younger. I just kept her around. She loves to perch in the windows on the steamer chests over there." Clive explained. Mary shook her head in agreement as Freddie made a fool over Patty.

" cats?" Mary asked of Freddie, who treated Patty like a little princess.

"Like them!? I love them! Look at her! Look at this little sweet fuzzy girl!" Freddie shoved the cat into Mary's face. She was still trying to figure him out but one thing was certain, she was very charmed by his gentle nature. He most certainly was not a ladies man and he was comfortably himself around Mary. For some reason, he had the same effect on her. While she viewed as more of a play-date than anything, she was positive that this wouldn't be the last time she saw Freddie Bulsara. Their day had barely gotten started and she couldn't imagine where this man would end up taking her. At the rate things were going, she was convinced that she may end up in a feather boa singing in a cabaret before the evening came.

From 'Autumn in Kensington'...


"Lydia?" I head my name. It sounded like he dropped whatever he was doing. "Lydia! Come here! Ciao, Lydia!".....


"Hello, Sebastian. Been a while." I reached my arms out to him and hugged him....


"He is absolutely gorgeous." Veronica whispered to me.... " do you know that photographer?" Veronica asked me the moment we were outside of the studio...


"I made out with him a couple times when I was high. I've never fucked him. I swear." I answered her.

Back uptown, the morning had faded into late afternoon and then into the early evening. Sabastian Vochielli was absolutely gorgeous. He hailed from Florence, Italy and so he had the dark eyes and shoulder length dark hair to match. His father was a workaholic and a big shot in the shipping and port industry and so he came from family money. Sabastian was two years ahead of me at the University and the one man whom I had fallen madly in love with two years ago. When we got together, when I met this man I knew I would be Mrs. Lydia Vochielli by the time we were finished with school. I couldn't have been more wrong and it changed my outlook on everything. Our relationship...if you could even call it that....had been nothing but dysfunctional for the past year and a half. We were not a couple and we hadn't been a couple for a long time. We were toxically involved in each others' lives. He had me by the throat and I had a strange power over him. I was a figurative dominatrix to Sebastian and he, my imaginary strangler. Honestly, I needed something in my life to break his theoretical choke-hold. And furthermore, he needed to out of his pretend S&M relationship with me.

He was very best photography student at the University and Sebastian was going places. His work was outstanding and simply fantastic. He would photograph anything and he did it with passion. Despite Sebastian being very full of himself, he was beyond talented. His luxury flat was a resume of all he had done at the past three years.

Before the Glitter: 1971Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora