part 1

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Hey im back at writing also im probably going to be slow at updating and i will right crappy because its my first fan fic so plz dont judge so without any more of my interuptions ( im hoping i spelled that right) lets get on with the story

Jeremy's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of my blasted alarm clock and my mother banging in the door to wake up. "Im up im up", i told my mom who stopped banging on the door.

Let me introduce myself my name is Jeremy Fitsgerald i have brown hair and green eyes. I usually wear what ever but since today is the first day of school first impressions always count. Im 17yrs old turning 18 in may.

I decide on a blue shirt with a green sweater over it and black jeans. It might not match but who cares i hardly ever take off my sweater. (Theres him in the picture).

I finish getting ready and head down stairs to find waffles on the table.

'Yes i love waffles'

I took a glance at the clock 7:20 it read.

'I have enough time for waffles yay'

I finish my waffles take a look at the time 7:35.

'Just in time'

"Thanks mom, im going to school", i say and head out the door.

I take one last look at our house its not huge but its not small either.

'You should really get a job and help clean up around the house. Hey isnt there a job opening at freddy's pizzaria'

There was a job opening but i dont go there anymore i know something happened there but i cant quite put my finger on it.

Jeremike highschoolWhere stories live. Discover now