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Daemons pov
Saera Velaryon. The one child of rhaenyras that has our Targaryen looks. Except she looks pure Targaryen. No Velaryon in sight. She's Jacaerys' twin. But they look as complete opposites. Word has said how pure she is. Kind, gentle. Pretty. And she has a dragon to match her beauty. Named after Rhaenys the firsts dragon. But opposite in color almost. Peoples said it's a cream and golden color. And testy. Stories said she refused to part from her dragon once it hatched and took the hatchling everywhere. It was stationed on her shoulder. Even after it outgrew it's spot it tried to remain. They're attached in ways never heard of.

The dragon grew swiftly. Soon the funeral is over and laena is laid to rest. I take her hand once more "tell me about yourself saera" seeing her mother above her head. She's grown. Beautifully so. She says "I don't think there's much to tell that will interest you" I tilt her head up stroking her soft silvery gold hair "tell me anyway" she goes on to tell me about her studies, her dragon Meraxes. She admits that she looks up to caraxes and how he is and it's mostly why she chose the name for her dragon that she did. Cute.

She talks of the pretty flowers that grow on dragonstone and how she misses the ones in kingslanding and she complains about how little the library on dragonstone is. "Daemon" rhaenyra. I tell the dragonling "go find your father I'm sure he needs you right about now I'll find you later" she asks "are you sure?" So sweet....innocent. I nod "I'll come find you" she nods and she smiles "mother"

Rhaenyra says "head up to bed after you see your father" she nods and leaves us. Rhaenyra and I take a walk on the beach in which ends with us fucking.

Saera's pov
I find my father in the water "father" my heart hurting for him. He turns his eyes bloodshot "dearest daughter" I stand beside him "what can I do to help your pain?" I ask his hand in mine. He smiles "you being here is enough Saera" I hug him "I'm sorry" referring to his pain.

I see vhagar landing and wonder where the dragon went. And why. My father grins and says "go. I know you're curious" I kiss his cheek "please be careful and come to bed." He nods "promise" I nod and leave him and hear a scuffle in the cave. It's aemond, my brothers, rhaena and Baela. I get between them all and snap "the seven hells?!" Rhaena and Baela shout out something about aemond claiming vhagar. I smile at my uncle "good" he deserves a dragon just as the rest of us.

The fight starts up again and I shout "aemond stop!" Pushing him slightly to get him off of Jace but he pushes me and I hit my head and I shout "Luke no!" As he slashes aemonds eye. Fuck. I take the knife from Luke and I go to aemond who's crying out I put pressure on the wound and he lashes cutting me and I wince "agh!" And I say "it's me aemond" and he relaxes slightly and mutters "sorry" I nod and a guard comes and we're brought before our grandsire and Alicent. Soon my mother comes with daemon on toe. Why are her clothes and hair a mess?

I have a rag stopping the bleeding on my arm not wanting to pull the maester away from aemond. They question what happened. Shouting. They ask about aemond and his eye. I say "I did it. I slashed aemond" covering for Luke. They're more likely to be more lenient than me simply because the rumors of him and my other brothers being a bastard. Alicent asks "why would you do such a thing? Aemond and you always got along. Always" I lie quickly "I didn't mean to. Everything just happened so fast Alicent and I know that doesn't make him whole. I was trying to stop everything when it happened. Aemond" I call to him.

He looks at me and I can tell he's confused. He knows I did not cut him. "I'm truly sorry for the pain you face now. I only wish this does not taint our friendship" he nods "it does not" my mother pushes for answers. Jace says aemond called them bastards. Where is my father? They argue more and I hate it. I curl into myself more feeling more blood leave my arm. Feeling weak.

Aemond needs the maesters more than I do. My grandsire calls for kind words. My mother calls for aemond to be tortured to tell who he hears the words. He says it's aegon. Aegon is asked by my grandsire who he heard it from. He answers "we know. We all know. Look at them. And saera being a pure Targaryen only makes them stick out more" eyes. Alicent tries to call for Luke's eye. I say "take mine. I'm the one who cut him. Took his eye. Take mine" Alicent says "very well" coming at me. She's stopped by daemon. "Get off your high horse. And go. Now. Threaten her again and I'll deal with you myself" my eyes flutter closed.

Daemons pov
I agreed to wed rhaenyra for the sake of everything. But we need to rid of Laenor. Which I know will hurt her badly. "Princess?" That cunt Cole says. I turn and see her passed out. A bloody rag being held on her wrist. She was wounded and didn't even tell anyone?! I kneel and shake her. Nothing. But she is alive. I take the rag off and a lot of blood gushed out making me put it back with more pressure. Fuck.

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