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"I'm sick of you and Lestat, Louis! I'm tired of being second choice, he abused you and left you for dead! I can't keep living like this and I don't need or want Lestat to use my own trauma against me, to keep me here because you're depressed about me leaving. Either you leave him or I leave and I'm never comin back," Claudia stated as she glared angrily at the emerald eyed vampire.

He had once been her father, as he had been the one to end her mortal life and give her an immortal existence in exchange.

Then Lestat had savagely abused and broken him, sunk his filthy fangs into Louis' bloody neck and proceeded to drop him from 100 feet in the air.

Claudia had nursed Louis back to full health which took five and a half years, in doing so, she had become his sister.

She was no longer his daughter, his childe that he adored. Instead, she was his fierce sister now.

Louis had been turned back in 1791 at the tender age of twenty-five years old, Lestat had lured him with tales of adventure.

Then four years later, Louis had bitten Claudia and she had joined their semi toxic family.

And for sixty years, they had remained a family where Lestat taught Claudia how to be a proper vampire, he had given her the nickname of Infant Death.

But five years ago, everything had changed for the worst.

Claudia had gone to explore more of the world and she had been raped by a fellow vampire, who claimed to have been created by Armand.

When she returned home, Louis immediately held her as close as he dared, so grateful that his precious daughter was back home.

His emerald eyes had gone black with rage and hatred for the pedophilic vampire that had stolen what remained of his daughter's innocence.

However, Lestat had grown jealous once again of Louis having familial love for Claudia.

He had threatened Claudia and Louis had finally retaliated, only to be beaten savagely within an inch of his life and dropped from 100 feet in the sky.

Now, Claudia had given an ultimatum to the one who claimed to love her but always chose Lestat over her.

"You can't ask that of me, you're my daughter, my sister," Louis began as he tried to reign in his emotions.

"But Lestat is my Maker and my lover, it tears me apart to see you both always at odds," Louis finished as he reached his hand out to the curly haired youthful vampire.

Only for Claudia to sink her fangs into his hand, making him hiss in pain, her amber irises were filled with tears but she wouldn't let them fall.

She wouldn't waste anymore tears on him, he was now simply Louis de Pointe Du Lac, slave to Lestat de Lioncourt.

He may have deluded himself into believing Lestat saw both himself and Louis as equals but Claudia knew better.

Lestat was the Master and Louis was simply his slave, to maim and poison as he pleased.

She would not let herself be dragged down with them.

Decision made, Claudia nodded to herself, firm in her resolve as she snapped Louis' neck with one quick movement.

He was far too gullible, too naive, she had been like him once until Lestat began tormenting her.

First, the French fiend had begun tormenting her over the way she had lost control and drained Charlie of his blood.

She had really liked the boy, he had been kind and sweet to her, giving her flowers and sharing an ice cream sundae with her.

She wanted to have her first kiss, soft and sweet, instead her bloodlust took over and by the time, she came to her senses, Charlie was dead, his blood on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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