Erin rolled her eyes with a grin.  “There you go again, pulling out the one liners.”

Brody shook his head.  “I’m not feeding you a line, Erin Mitchell.  You’ll always be the finest thing a man can get.  And better than that, I’ll be that man.”

Erin’s cheeks were on fire from his compliments and the look in his eyes when he said them.  She reached up to fan her face, willing it to go away.  “Stop it, or I’m going to look like a clown with too much rouge in these pictures.”

Brody laughed.  “Impossible.”

Julia interrupted them, calling for everyone to follow her so she could start shooting some photos.

Brody reached for her hand, leaning in to whisper as they started walking.  “Just want to make sure you know how much I love you.”

Erin had to blink back her own tears again as she felt her chest swell with emotion.  Brody continued to prove to her over and over that his presence in her life was one of the best things God had ever granted her. Some moments it still felt too good to be true.

Thankfully, the first few poses that Julia had planned were silly ones involving the groom and the bridesmaids.  Erin’s tears were soon forgotten amongst the laughter.  The one she found to be the most fun was Tobey pretending to run off with the maid-of-honor: her.  The rest of the bridal party chased after them, Brody in the lead.

Julia had equally creative ideas for Kelly with the groomsmen once they had shooed Tobey back inside.  She took one of Kelly “running away” while they all chased after her and she also took one that showed Kelly’s shoe as if it was stepping on the groomsmen.

Wedding photos had come a long way since Erin got married, but the festive mood helped relieve Kelly’s anxiety as the clock counted down for the ceremony.

Julia took the time for some serious pictures as well and both Kelly and Erin had to sniff back tears at a sentimental photo she captured of the two of them together.

She was even kind enough to offer pictures of Jamie and Brad since she knew they were married.  They were all shocked to watch Brad ham it up in front of the camera.

“Wow, Brad, I never knew you had it in you.” Erin teased as Julia scrolled through the photos for them all to see.

Brad shrugged.  “What can I say?  Every now and then I let the wild man loose.”

Kelly, Erin and Brody burst out laughing, which Julia quickly snapped with her camera.  Then she turned to Erin and Brody.

“How about you two?” she offered.

“Oh, we’re not married.” Erin explained.

“Yet.” Kelly added, giving Julia a broad smile.  “Go ahead Erin.  I’d love some pictures of the two of you.  Replace the one’s of you-know-who that I had to cut in half.”

Brody laughed and looked down at Erin.  “Did she seriously do that?”

Erin shrugged.  “I wouldn’t put it past her.”  Then she looked up at Brody.  “Sure you want us captured in Kelly’s wedding photos for eternity?  I wouldn’t want her cutting it in half.”

Brody pulled Erin close so he could rest his forehead against hers.  “She won’t be cutting anything in half.  I’m not going anywhere Erin.  I would think you’d know that by now.”

She held his gaze for a moment and then gave him a smile.  “Just checking.”

And that’s when Julia snapped her first photo.

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