"Wanna stay in tonight?"

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Oh, lord. I was exhausted from working. I sat on the first chair I found and started to check my phone.

1 new message from George.
Hey, I'm omw. Everyone's coming, right?


Yeah, yeah. Everyone's coming. Looking forward to seeing y'all.

"Hellop." said a thick, beautiful voice. I knew whose it was immediately. "Hey."

Harry frowned. "Is everything okay?" he sat next to me. "Yeah." I said. I looked back at him. "No, actually, not."

He got closer to me and said: "What's the matter?" He was concerned. I took a deep breath. He pulled my chair towards himself. That was arousing as hell.

"Bella?" he whispered softly. His eyeballs were trembling anxiously. "It's not a big deal, champ. Calm down." I said, held his shoulder. As my fingers were moving around his shoulder I continued: "I just remembered that I had guests over in my house, tonight. I'm just thinking if I'm gonna be able to get everything prepared. I'm exhausted."

He exhaled lightly, "You got me scared for a moment." gave me a big smile. "I can help you with that."

"No, no, I-"

"Please." he insisted. "Let me help you, today was pretty tiring for everyone, especially you." He leaned his cheek on my hand which was on his shoulder. "I insist."

"Don't give me puppy eyes with those green monsters."

He giggled. "Monsters?" He was looking just like a five year old child. "I've heard so many things said related to my eyes but, monsters? That's new."

"Yeah." I said in the middle of my laugh. "They're capable of making me do anything."

"Well." said he. "Than shall the monster eat you alive!" As we were raising a laugh, i took my hand off his shoulder "I really don't want to be a pain in the ass. I can handle-"

"Shh! You did not say such thing and I surely did not hear that." He got up. "Let's have some guests over!"
He stretched out his hand towards me. I took his hand and got up. "Yeah, let's do it, then."

---˖⁺. ༶ ˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹⋆˙⊹❀

"Hey! Careful!" I shouted with worry. Harry was about to burn his hand.

He looked at me smirking. "I'm fiiiiiiine."

I laughed pretty childishly and copied him. "Ok, fiiiiiine, then."

I was chopping the peppers on the island and he was in charge of the pan frying.

"Hey, check this." said he and I turned back to him. He was wearing my apron which says "I'm the queen of re-onions!" He looked so childlike with it but the sweat coming down from his tangled hair to his forehead made me think How can a man be this cute, yet so damn hot at the same time?

He did a little show by throwing the sauteed food in the pan into the air and holding it back with the pan. And looked at me behind his shoulders. He winked with a silly smirk.

"Wow, chef's in the house!" I said, then got closer to him and continued "You check this out now." I washed my hand off and "Careful, step back." I said.

He took a step back with curiosity, raised his hands in the air, with his eyes pointing the pan and said: "It's all yours, ma'm. Show me what you got."

I sprinkled the water left on my fingers into the food  and the flames rosed from the pan. "Wowowowow!" said he and frowned, acted like he was angry with me. "Competitive, are we?" said he in a silly way.

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