Start from the beginning

"I thought it best that people didn't know. Not until- we were sure." Rick says looking at everyone who stares at him with slight distrust even Lori.

It made Julia scoff and mutter of idiots before sitting down on Daryl's bike. He didn't say anything or try to stop her as he went hunting trying to find some animal to cook up.

When night fell the group got jumpier, Julia didn't.... She just felt... empty. Her thoughts continually starting to Raya.

"We're not safe with him- keeping something like that from us. Why do you need him? He's just gonna pull the two of you down." Carol whispers as Julia and them were curled up close for some body heat.

She didn't physically touch either of them but she wasn't repulsed by them being close either. It was progress. She kind of wanted to joke and say Shane beat the crazy out of her..... but she didn't think Carol would appreciate such humor.

"No ricks done all right by me." Daryl says agreeing with Julia that Rick was in a right state of mind. He kept them safe and gave them liberty at times. "Your both just his henchmen. And- I'm a burden. You deserve better." She says to the pair but Julia just avoids answering and eye contact.

"What do you want?" Daryl asks incredulously unsure why the woman was telling them this. Daryl didn't want to lead and Julia- she knew she'd just be bad at it.

"A leader of honor." Carol says like it's common sense making Daryl scoff shaking his head. "Rick has honor." Daryl says with disbelief as Julia nods in agreement. She finally felt a little better but standing up or walking made her feel tired.

People just kept whispering the whole night and Julia knew they were doubting Rick. But she'd stay by his side no matter what.

The sound of leaves rustling makes everyone on edge and look in that direction fearfully. "What was that?" Beth asks as Daryl stands with his crossbow ready. "Could be anything. Could be a raccoon, could be a possum." Daryl tries to keep them calm but of course Glenn stands too saying a Walker.

"We need to leave. I mean what are we waiting for?" Carol asks in a panic making Julia roll her eyes and look at an annoyed Rick.

"Which way?" Glenn asks as Maggie points. "It came from over there." Maggie specifies as Beth mentions its the direction they came from.

"The last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark. We don't have the vehicles. No one's traveling on foot." Rick says with finality as a twig snaps.

"Don't panic." Hershel voices but everyone looks worried anyway.

"I'm not- I'm not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through. We need to move now." Maggie demands but Rick was having enough.

"No one is going anywhere." Rick says through clenched teeth as everyone stares at him. "Do something." Carol hisses and that was the final straw for Rick.

"I AM DOING SOMETHING IM KEEPING THIS GROUP TOGETHER, ALIVE." Rick loudly whispers at Carol making her flinch as Julia sighs rubbing the back of her neck.

"I've been doing that all along no matter what. I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS. I KILLED MY BEST FRIEND FOR YOU PEOPLE FOR CHRISTS SAKE!" Rick snaps as everyone's mouths drop open.

"Lucky" Julia mutters picking at her shoe lace making Daryl give her a look as if to say 'not now.'

"You saw what he was like, how he pushed me. How he treated Julia.... How he compromised us, how he threatened us. He staged that whole Randall and Julia thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back. He gave me no choice. He was my friend. But he came after me." Carl started to cry and Lori pulled him to her as Julia looks around.

How could they not see what he'd done for them all?

"My hands are clean. Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's a place for us, but maybe- maybe it's just another pipe dream. Maybe- maybe I'm fooling myself again. Why don't you- why don't you go and find out for yourself? Send me a post card. Go on there's the door. You can do better? Let's see how far you get. No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight- you're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore." Rick rants looking a bit unhinged but Julia just looked at everyone to see them staring in horror.

At one point Rick sat by himself keeping his distance from everyone else. Julia slowly stood from Daryl's side and made her way over to Rick, his own family giving him the cold shoulder.

"Hey...." Julia says softly moving close for heat but not touching him. Rick sighs rubbing his calm face before side eyeing her and forcing a smile.

"Thank you for what you said earlier Julia..... I appreciate it." He says in a low whisper as Julia nods. "I'm always going to take your side. Their just- their just scared right now. Also- what you did about Shane.... It was the right call. I wasn't lying when I said there's a lot people don't know..... Dale told me he was going to shoot you at the quarry but Dale caught him..... I saw him...... at the CDC trying to force Lori to have sex with him..... he threatened Dale and me.... did what was right." Julia whispers and Rick hold back tears nodding slowly.

That's all he wanted anyone to say.

Even his own wife didn't support him, she pushed him away the second she discovered Carl had put down Shane's Walker form.

And everyone in the group stared at him like he was crazy, Rick could be sure that Julia felt like that from time to time with them. He didn't know how she could put up with it.

And he wouldn't be nice to anyone really that winter..... only Julia.

Until they found their next camp and tried to survive once again,


THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now