Kaycee got home and set her bag down, walking into the living room where Chase was on the floor and playing with Adeline.

"Having fun out here?"

"We are. How was practice?" He asked, looking up before looking back down at the baby.

"It was good. We got them talking and even laughing a little. Passed the ball around," she smiled, leaning back against the couch as Chase handed Addie to her. "Hi baby,"

Adeline just smiled and put her slobbery fingers back into her mouth as she always did.

"Did you have a good day?" She asked the baby, in her signature baby voice which made Addie smile even more. "Hold on baby, open your mouth,"

"What's going on?"

"Make her laugh for me," she said, laying her on the floor before Chase started to tickle Addie's little belly.

"That's a tooth," Kaycee smiled, lifting her up again, "You're starting to get some teeth, my love!"

"We're gonna be up all night again," Chase chuckled a little.

"That's alright because we can start the food now!" She smiled, lifting the little one up, "You wanna try some of the new jars for dinner?"

They both headed out to the kitchen and Kaycee had Chase feed their child while she made them a simple hamburger helper meal with some corn.

"How was your practice today?"

"Two boys showed up," he sighed, "Ryan worked with one on batting and I worked on pitching with the other,"

"You still got something, maybe have a meeting with the boys? That's kinda what we did. They all just talked to us and we got a sense of how they were feeling and it seemed to help," she shrugged, "I know sometimes it's hard but it's worth a shot,"

"I'll talk to Ryan about it," he nodded, sitting at the table as he pulled the high chair close and gave Addie a toy.

They ate pretty quickly before getting Addie ready for bed and having a few hours to themselves.

Chase decided to play some video games while Kaycee scrolled through her phone and posted a few things to the volleyball parent group on Facebook.

"Ready for bed?" She asked after a few hours of sitting on the couch and doing various things.

"Yeah. Check on Ad?"

"Yeah, I'll check on her," she nodded, getting up and going to their infant's room to make sure she was sleeping.

Chase got to their room after locking up the house and setting the alarm and soon enough they were both sound asleep.


Their alarms went off right at 6, and Adeline was up at 6:01 like clockwork.

"I'll get the baby, you go get a shower," Kaycee said as she got up and yawned, walking to their infant's room. "Morning sweetie,"

Adeline giggled a little as Kaycee picked her up and it just made Kaycee wonder how someone could have so much energy in the mornings. She took her downstairs and got a bottle ready, sitting on the couch with her.

"You wanna trade?" Chase asked, coming out around 6:20 when Addie was halfway finished with her bottle.

"I can yeah," she nodded, taking the bottle from the baby so they could easily transfer her.

As soon as Addie was in Chase's arms, Kaycee went back upstairs and got changed into a simple plaid shirt and white jeans with a simple necklace that Addie would play with.

"Chase! Are you ready?" She called, finishing up her hair before unplugging her flat iron and grabbing her things.

"Yeah, I got Addie's bag packed,"

"You dropping her off?" She asked, taking her to give her some kisses.

"I can yeah. As long as you pick her up. I think practice is happening today,"

"Good. They have to get back to it," she smiled, grabbing everything and making sure it was all in her bag.

"I know. Ryan and I talked last night and we're gonna hold practice today for whoever comes, it's back to mandatory on Monday," he explained, putting Adeline in her car seat. "It might almost be time for this girl to move to a bigger car seat,"

"Maybe," she chuckled, "I'll see you at school,"

"I'll be there as soon as she's dropped off. Love you,"

"Love you. And I love you, little miss," she grinned as she kissed Chase and then kissed their little girl's head before leaving the house and heading to the school.

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