Everyone was Amazed by this Scp's ability.

"Amazing! So this Coffee machine can Deliver Anything that has a Liquid state?"

"Yes, Scp 294 can Deliver anything That has a Luquid state. Anything else that doesn't, it can't Deliver."

"Fascinating! What an amazing machine!" Nezu said Fascinated.

"Omg! Pls tell me more!" Mei shouted excellently.

Deku started writing that down.
"So this Coffee machine can only Deliver items that have a Liquid form..." he Thought to Himself.

"It is of note that after approximately fifty uses, the machine would not respond to further requests. After a period of approximately 90 minutes, the machine seemed to have restocked itself. It is also interesting to note that many caustic liquids that would have eaten through a normal paper cup seemed to have no effect on the cups dispensed by the machine.

Testing is ongoing. As suggested, SCP-294 was moved to the 2nd floor personnel break room as a money-saving venture. Following incident 294-01, guards were stationed at the item and a security clearance became necessary to interact with it."

"So the Cup is Strong Enough to withstand any Liquid? Interesting." Nezu thought.

"But I don't Understand." Deku said. "If it has no chance to escape, then why is it Consider a difficult Scp to contain?"

"You all will see why right now."
Zero said.

"Document SCP-294a (regarding incident 294-01): On August 21, 2005, Agent Joseph ██████ attempted to use Item SCP-294 to obtain coffee during his allotted break time at 9:30 AM. At the request of Agent █████ █████████ "to see what it would do", ██████ requested "a cup of Joe" from the item. Moments after confirming the selection, Agent Joseph ██████ began to sweat profusely and complained of dizziness before collapsing."

Everyone was stunned to this.
"Wait, what happened? Why did he collapse?" Deku asked, but his question would soon be answered.

"After moving the unconscious agent to the infirmary, the medical team recovered the contents of the cup dispensed by Item SCP-294: a combination of blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. Testing revealed the DNA sequence of the biological material dispensed by SCP-294 matched that of Agent ██████."

Everyone Immediately felt sick Hearing that.

"Omg! How did that happened?!" Mina asked Disgusted.

"Yeah! did that Coffee machines steal all of that from the Agent?!"
Denki said.

"Unfortunately, Yes, you all will see why in a minute." Zero said.

"Agent ██████ made a complete recovery after four weeks of rest and intravenous hydration. X-rays and CAT scans showed no further signs of injury, and ██████ was released. Both agents were reprimanded. Additional security measures for SCP-294 have been recommended.

Addendum [SCP-294f]: After reviewing documentation on SCP-294, ███████████ suggested testing SCP-294's ability to 'retrieve' specific liquids from a distance."

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