"Addendum: As of 14/02/2018, Senior Researcher Stanley Huxtable sat in his office with a peeved expression. he was was perusing foundation records That contained information on 5031 and the Following audio Played out:

<Begin Log>

Dr ██████: (walks into the Room and sees Reacher Huxtable staring at the File for 5031 with Curious expression on his Face.) Something the Matter?

Reacher Huxtable: have we Actually seen the same Hunting and Eating Humans? an Eye witness or recorded Footage, anything like That?

Dr ██████: No, sir, none at all."

Everyone was very much Confused by this. "Wait if they haven't seen Scp actually attacked Someone, then why is it Documented like a Threat?" Kirishima said Confused.

The Pro Heroes were also Confused. "Wait, then why is it a Dangerous Anomaly if they haven't Seeing it actually hurts Someone?"
Midnight wandered.

Nezu was the most Curious about why they would Declare it as a Threat when they haven't seen it Actually hurt Someone.

Bakugo and Endeavor didn't really care about it all that much. Since to them, that Thing looks like it can kill Anyone if it Wanted to.

"Researcher Huxtable: Who wrote this then? Are we just going to Accuse this poor Creature of something it didn't do without Concrete Evidence?! I'm taking over this Project! I'm going to find out it's True Nature."

<End Log>

Researcher Huxtable was Assigned as now acting in the role of HMCL Supervisor for SCP-5031. The following is a selection of relevant correspondences from SR Huxtable to Site Director Youssef Mostofi elucidating research progress.



I have no idea who wrote this, but there's a lot I'd like to say to them. I'm not a fan of abandoning a living creature inside a metal box for ten years, no matter how pragmatic it may be.

It's difficult to fathom that such things were considered the norm a decade ago. Have you ever heard something scream from behind ten inches of iron for hours on end? When I do my redraft, remind me to add "anomalous resistance to hoarseness" somewhere in the description.

Could you work your magic and get the boys to retrofit the "containment cube" with an aperture and security vestibule? I'd like to run some tests that require exposing SCP-5031 to certain stimuli."

This immediately got everyone's Attention, especially Nezu As he was the most Curious to see how this Played it out.

"Well, this Should be Good." Sato said, which his classmates agreed.



Foreword: Installed speakers in the containment vestibule and played various albums of natural ambiance and popular music. SCP-5031's propensity for screaming worked as a convenient way to measure its stress levels: 100% would be considered its typical screaming (volume and duration) over 48 hours and 0% would be no screaming at all.

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