"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time."

"I'm good you?" Luna answered pulling away from the hug.

"Good, and really busy."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Come in, do you want something to drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Luna smiled.

Padmé and Luna headed in the living room and sat on the couch.

"I came here to talk to you about important."

"Alright, what's it about?"

"Promise you can't tell anyone ok."

"I promise I won't." Padmé promised.

"Ok so firstly. I do know about you and Anakin. And I'm super happy you guys. An the other thing is me and Obi-Wan have been together for about three years now.

"I thought so."


"I mean it's no surprise. You and Obi-Wan are never apart from each other. And Anakin does tell me about you two all the time."

"He does?"

"Mm hm."

"And the other thing is.. I'm pregnant. And your the second person to know."


"Yeah. I told Obi-Wan two day's ago he was really happy."

"That's great, I'm so happy for you guys." Padmé said with excitement and hugging Luna.
"So, what are you guys gonna do once it's time."

"Well, Obi-Wan said that we are gonna leave the order after the war and live our lives on Naboo. I actually suggested the Naboo part."

"Obi-Wan? Wanting to leave the order for you? That's some true love right there."

"Yeah, he's really great." Luna smiled to herself.

"And um, I'm pregnant as well."

"Oh my Force. You are!"

Padmé nodded her head.
"I was uh, talking with Anakin the other night and we're going back to Naboo before the baby comes."

"That's great! We'll still all be together."

"I know!"

"Well thank you for letting talk with you. I should get going now."

"Anytime, Luna. Come back again."

"I will." Luna responded then giving her a goodbye hug.

Luna was back in the Temple. And was with Master Windu and Anakin talking other Jedi master's over a hologram.
Then Commander Cody appeared on the Holo table.

"Master Windu, may I interrupt?" Cody asked. "General Kenobi has made contact with General Grievous, and we have began out attack."

"Thank you, Commander." Mace thanked Cody. Then Cody's hologram disappeared.
"Anakin, deliver this report to the Chancellor. His reaction give us a clue to his intentions.'

"Yes, Master." Anakin responded. Then walking out of the room.

"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The dark side of the Force surrounds the chancellor."

"I sense it to, Master." Luna spoke.

"If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous." Ki-Adi-Mundi began. "Then he should be removed from office."

I love him (Obi-Wan x Luna Skywalker OC)Where stories live. Discover now