Mysterious singing (Jotaro X Reader)

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It's a beautiful sunny day of holiday. Everyone enjoys the beautiful weather and goes for walks or spend time with friends on the beach.

Jotaro as a big fan of ocean decided to go to his favourite place that no one else knows about, to watch the marine animals.

When he was already there, he sat down on a big rock and just enjoys the beautiful view. The sun is reflecting in the ocean surface, making everything seem more wonderful. As Jotaro closes his eyes and rest under the warm sun, he hears a melodic singing. He pulls himself up and looks around to see who's voice it is. But what he saw was not what he expected.

A beautiful mermaid is sitting on the stone in the ocean, singing loudly. Her (colour) hair is blowing in the wind and her long tail is slowly wagging up and down. It doesn't seem she notices him, which is why she acts so carefree.

Jotaro, feeling shocked by seeing this mythical creature, slowly gets up from where he was sitting. He makes careful and small steps towards the water where the mermaid is sitting, making sure not to scare her off.

But when he stepped into the cold water, something suddenly pulled him down and he gets dragged under the ocean surface. It's dark around him and he can see nothing under the water but he also can't get out. He thinks that it's his end. That he'll die in the ocean, that he loves so much.

However, something suddenly grabbed him and pulled him towards the shore. He gets placed back on the sand and something is above him. When he's starting to open his eyes slowly, he notices that something is running away back into the water.

- Hey! Come back, please!- He yells as he gets up from the sand. He starts walking around the small beach where he can always be alone and starts thinking if the mermaid that was sitting on the rock, just saved his life.

As he was turned away from the water, the creature that saved him, get out. You slowly move towards him, using your hands and tail to move forward. The sounds of something moving on the wet sand, makes him turn back around. You got really scared when he turned towards you and you started backing towards the water again.

- No! I won't hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of me.- He kneels down and pulls his hand out, towards you.

You slowly and hesitantly move towards him. You touched his hand lightly, checking if he won't do anything bad to you.

- What's your name?- He asked as he pulls his hand away slowly, making sure not to scare you.

- I, (Reader)- You said, pointing at yourself.

- You can't speak much, right?- He smiles at you lightly as you nodded.- But you understand what I am staying?

- Yes.- You nod again, looking at him carefully.

- I can teach you a little bit. You just have to stop being so afraid of me and trust me.- He moves closer but now you don't pull away.- Can I pick you up and put you on this rock over there?

You nod and he slowly puts his hand under your tail and the other around your waist. He slowly picks you up and goes over to the rock, he was sitting on earlier. You were heavier than he thought you could be, but it's probably because of your long, massive tail.

Jotaro puts you down and sits beside you. He takes out a small notebook that he's always carrying with himself and writes whole alphabet on one sheet. He starts learning how each letter sounds before teaching you some basic words.

You were looking at him with sparkling, (colour) eyes as you listened to everything he's saying. You were completely smitten with him and wanted to know more about him. Usually most people are trying to hurt you or even kill you. But he is so kind to you.

As Jotaro continues learning how to communicate with people, you suddenly rush back into the water. He was looking at it with wide eyes before looking away.

- Of course she ran away. Why would she want to spend time with me?- Jotaro thought to himself and closed his notes.

But then you're right in front of him, holding a big, beautiful shell up, towards him. His eyes widen at this sight and he slowly leans forward.

- For. You.- You said and pulled the shell even more up towards him, almost pushing it into his hands.

- It's beautiful. Thank you.- He carefully takes the shell from your hands and watches it carefully. You then get on the rock beside him and clap your tail against it several times.

Jotaro looks over at you and smiles lightly. You smile back, making his heart flutter a bit.

He knew that he'll be coming to this place more often now.

JOJO ONE SHOTS (JJBA X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن