2- New Duo

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Dream POV

"I don't know, George, she didn't seem like she really liked me," I told George a few hours after the stream with Y/N.

When I got her response to my message, I was a little upset to be honest. Y/N seemed really cool and I wanted for us to be friends but she didn't seem to reciprocate.

"Why do you think that?" George asked, a little confused.

"You couldn't tell? It felt like whenever I talked to her during stream she just kinda brushed me off. And then I messaged her afterwards and she seemed a little cold," I explained, sighing.

"I'm sure you're reading this wrong, Dream. Y/N gets along with like everyone," he tried to tell me, "She's also a little like shy around new people, it's probably nothing personal. Don't worry too much about it, she'll warm up to you."

I felt unsure about George's words but I guess it did make sense. Maybe I was coming off too strong and she felt uncomfortable?

"So, what do I do about it then?"

"Just try to hang out with her more in groups and stuff. You guys will become friends eventually," he assured.

I nodded in understanding. "I guess so."

George chuckled a little in response, making me confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"I don't know, I've just never seen it being this hard for you to make a friend. You're always the first to meet people, it's kind of ironic that the one person you seem to struggle with is super close with your other friends."

I scoffed at his comment. "I know! That's why I need her to like not hate me."

"Wow, Dream. The only reason you wanna be her friend is because she's friends with us?" George accused sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not. I mean that's definitely part of it but she seems cool and funny and ignoring the fact that she like avoided conversation with me, she's nice."



The next day, Karl invited me to be on his stream along with a few others. I went to the group chat and joined the group call. It was only me and Karl at first but he was muted, I assumed he was trying to set up his stream so I just waited patiently.

After a minute or so I heard someone join the call.

"Hey, Y/N!" Dream greeted me.

"Oh, hello," I responded slightly nervous. "A-are you playing Minecraft with us today?"

"Yup, I'm gonna stream too. Karl said we were going to do a survival world, right?"

"Mhm, I think so."

We sat in an awkward silence for a little, I wasn't sure what to say to him. I've never been good at starting conversations and not to mention with Dream of all people. He definitely still intimidated me.

"Sooo, how's your day been?" Dream asked, trying to break the ice.

"Um, it's been fine."

"What'd you do?" he followed up. The way he spoke made it seem like he was really interested in my day even if it was just small talk. I appreciated it, though.

"Not much, I just edited a video for Youtube and stuff," I said vaguely.

"You do Youtube too?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Hmm," he paused for a second, "I'll have to check it out someday. Seek out the competition, you know?"

I laughed softly, the joke helped cut through the awkwardness and I felt myself relax a bit more because of the casual tone of the conversation. I guess Dream isn't really someone to be scared of, even if he did seem a million times cooler than me.

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