Chapter 2

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'You're joking right?'

'I'm dead serious.' Rafe answers. 'But, why? Why do you want me to be your girlfriend?' I ask, I'm so confused. 'Because I made a bet with Barry, if I get you to be my girlfriend for five months, I get $800 dollars.' He says. I give him a blank stare. 'That's the most stupidest reason ever."

He sighs, "I need the money, okay?"

'To pay off your cocaine huh?' I say cockily, hiding my nervousness. Rafe takes a step back and shakes his head slowly in disapproval. "It's none of your fucking business." He snaps "You really think it's worth it, for five month?" I ask. "Yes, cause I need that fucking money Valerie." Rafe says. 'I want the answer before midnight, if I don't know the answer by then.. I'll tell everyone.' He demands. 'Understood?' I nod.

Suddenly, my phone starts vibrating. I pick up my phone and I see Sarah is calling me, I answer. 'Have you found my jacket yet?' Sarah asks. "Yep, it's right here on the bed" I blurt out. "Okay, I was just letting you know they're playing pin the tail on the donkey. It's your favourite game right?" Sarah asks. "Yes it is, I'm on my way." I say and I hang up the phone. I give Rafe one last glance before leaving his room.

'I'm going to get a drink, I'll be right back.' I say to John B. I walk over to the kitchen and I pour Ice Tea in a red plastic cup. When I turn around to leave I see 11:30 PM on the microwave. I haven't even thought about it yet. I don't want to leave Outer Banks but dating Rafe Cameron? Absolutely not. But it's the better option, possibly leaving outer banks and losing all of my friends? I'm not going to risk it to be in that situation again. My friends are probably going to be mad at me, for dating Rafe. I got to mentally prepare for their reactions, they aren't going to like this. I quickly finish my drink and head upstairs to Rafe's room.

I knock on Rafe's door and I hear a muffled 'Come in'. I open the door and I see Rafe sitting on his bed. 'I have chosen to be your uh, girlfriend.' I say awkwardly. 'Good choice.' He says with a bit of a smirk. 'I do have some rules though. First, I'm being your fake - girlfriend. Whenever we're in public, I'll act like your girlfriend. But whenever we're alone, I'm definitely not acting like your girlfriend." I demand, Rafe nods. "Second of all, we are not going to kiss." Rafe chuckles, "If your dating someone, you kiss each other. We can't just, not kiss. People are going to be suspicious Valerie."

I roll my eyes. "We'll see Rafe." I begin to walk out of the room. 'Valerie' Rafe says. 'Hmm?'

'Next week is the bonfire, I'm announcing it then'

I place my bike next to a tree and I walk towards the people on the beach. 'Valerie, you're here! It's so nice to see you.' Sarah approaches me. 'Nice to see you too' I smile. She gives me a small hug. 'You alright?' She asks. 'Yea I'm fine, what about you?' I question. 'I'm good, look Kiara and the rest just arrived. Let's head over there.' We walk towards them, and we say greet each other.

'I brought some drinks for all of us. I got some whisky, rum, and a lot of beer- I also brought Ice Tea for Valerie.' JJ says while looking through his bag. 'Awe thank you JJ' I smile. We all walk over to the sea and we sit there looking at the sunset.

After a hour I hear someone yelling my name. 'Hey, Valerie come here!' I look behind me and see people at the fire signaling me to go over to them. I immediately notice they're Rafe his friends. And obviously, Rafe is sitting there too. 'I'll be right back guys.' I excuse myself. 'Be careful, they're cooks.' John B says. 'I'll be fine' I assure him. 'If anything happens, scream and we will come to you.' JJ says. 'Alright, will do.' I smile.

'Hey guys.' I say as I approach the group. 'Rafe said that you guys are dating each other, is it actually true?' A girl asks. Oh. I look at Rafe and he looks at me. He raises both of his eyebrows waiting for me to say something. 'Yeah it's true, I'm dating Rafe'

People's jaws are dropping, and I hear gasps, all at once. 'Well, that is a plot twist, from hating each other to liking each other. Could never be me.' Another girl says. I simply smile as I shrug. 'What about Sarah though, isn't she mad?' The girl asks. 'I uh-' I get interrupted by Kiara. 'What's going on? Why is everyone so shocked?' She asks. I wanna jump off a cliff right now. 'Valerie is dating Rafe, crazy right? One of Rafe's friends replies.

Kiara looks at me and her jaw drops. 'Valerie, are you serious right now?'

I stay silent, how do I respond to this? 'Are you kidding me?!' I hear behind me. When I turn around, Sarah is glaring at me angrily. 'I- I'm sorry it's just-' Sarah cuts me off. 'Oh, so it's true? So you're just dating my brother now huh? You're fucking pathetic.' She shouts and she walks away. Kiara stands there in disbelief. JJ walks over, he probably heard it all. 'After everything he's done to us, to the poques?" JJ snaps. Pope and John B are behind him but they are not saying anything.

'I really thought you were a good friend Valerie.' Kiara says and they all walk away. Only if they knew.

'Oh shit man, that was intense' Topper laughs. I roll my eyes. 'I'm going home, I'll text you later Rafe' I mumble and I walk past them. 'No come sit with us, have a good time' Rafe says. I turn around and think about it. I should sit with them, with Rafe, that's what a girlfriend would do. 'Alright, fine. I'm not staying here long though' I reply. I sit next to Rafe.

I did not dubble check this so sorry if there are any grammer mistakes

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