Scp The Little Misters.

Start from the beginning

Description: SCP-905 is a sentient entity composed of photons. These photons form a humanoid shape that has been described as "fuzzy, but definite". It is roughly 1.75 m tall; however, its mass is immeasurable. SCP-905 has shown the ability to speak through the manipulation of air particles, but its mechanism to perform this is unknown."

When The Image appeared Everyone was stunned to see a Man Who's whole body is completely red. With some photons particles around him.

"Interesting, So hes a man that's made out entirely of photons. I wonder what he can do." Nezu thought.

"SCP-905 is capable of the same movement as a human male of the same body structure, but due to its photonic nature, is unable to manipulate solid objects aside from emitting weak electromagnetic radiation. Solids such as doors must be moved for SCP-905 before it can leave or enter a room.

SCP-905 has the ability to pass through windows and other transparent objects. The photons SCP-905 is composed of follow the usual laws of probability in this case, and will reflect back from the transparent object at a rate of ~5%, separating any reflected photon from SCP-905's influence. SCP-905 describes this as painful but bearable."

After that last sentence, The students felt sorry for 905 because one of his abilities can also hurt him in The process. "Well, at least it's bearable." Pony said.

"SCP-905 sheds its photons at a constant rate of approximately 0.001% of its body volume per second. These photons are emitted at a wavelength of ~380 nm to ~780 nm, or within the human spectrum of visible light. SCP-905 shows the ability to change the wavelengths emitted to match its background. SCP-905's lack of a shadow can make detecting SCP-905 while hidden problematic.

SCP-905 shows an inability to absorb coloured lights. Due to SCP-905's constant loss of photons, SCP-905 must be "fed" regularly in order to maintain a "healthy" body volume.

Conversely, "feeding" SCP-905 too large an amount of photons causes SCP-905 to experience an over-saturation. SCP-905 finds this extremely painful, and describes it in a similar manner to human burns. Placing a mirror near SCP-905 in an attempt to "feed" SCP-905 its own emissions results in SCP-905 expressing extreme discomfort. When questioned, SCP-905 replied, "Would you enjoy eating your own [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]?"

Everyone was a Little taken aback by This. "Well, he is made out of photons so..." Iida said. "Jeez, now that's just wrong." said Sero.

"SCP-905 was discovered at the [DATA EXPUNGED] entrance of Site-██.

Addendum 905-1: The words "Mr. Chameleon, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" are printed upon SCP-905's left "calf". SCP-905 shows an inability to change the wavelength emitted by this print."

Deku started writing that Down. "So it can't change the Wavelength of that Print..." deku thought.

"Item #: SCP-2287 ("Mr.Headless")

Object Class: Safe"

"So his name is Mr headless."
Aizawa said. "I can already tell what hes gonna look like." And Everyone agreed on That.

"Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2287 is to be contained in Hall ██ of Site ██. Except for during authorized testing, SCP-2287's mask is not to be removed. SCP-2287 does not require food, but can be provided with incense on its request, contingent on good behavior. Literature provided to SCP-2287 is to be converted into Braille.

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