Chapter 3 - Partners 'Till When?

Start from the beginning

As if Kei was feeling the same thing as him, she asked. "Well, forget about fighting back or whatever. Wouldn't it be weird for us to poke our noses in student-council affairs?"

Ikuto, however, explained that some special tests will require the students to face off with students from other grade levels. He also warned that Miyabi might go ahead and target first year students who are under his radar.

Kiyotaka went on to try to fish some information about last year's special tests but Ikuto was a rule-abiding student and wouldn't say a thing.

Ikuto, then, proceeded to talk about how to bring Miyabi down, which led to Kiyotaka having more questions. He does not know who the true Miyabi Nagumo is which is complicating the issue more.

"Wait. Getting Nagumo expelled, or pulled out of office—that's pretty serious, isn't it?" Kei said.

"You wouldn't resort to such measures in the face of a mortal enemy?"

"I've never even thought of doing something like that." Kiyotaka said and Kei looked at him suspiciously.

Kiyotaka went on to exchange words with Ikuto. In the end, they weren't able to fully trust each other. Kiyotaka couldn't trust the heroic reason behind Ikuto's actions. At the same time, he also does not feel motivated to go againts Miyabi.

"If I think you're incapable of seeing this through, I'll stop contacting you." Ikuto said.

Understanding the danger posed by face to face communication, Kei talked.

"Wouldn't that put you in more danger, Kiriyama-senpai?"

Ikuto nodded in response.

"I won't make direct contact with you after this. I'll create a random e-mail account and get in touch through that. know what'll happen if your incompetence leads Nagumo to find out that I colluded with you."

With that, the student council vice president left.

"Uh, doesn't this whole thing kinda give you a bad vibe?" Kei said.


Kiyotaka and Kei started walking back to the dorm with Kei walking a bit delayed.

"It kinda seems like things are getting out of control." Kei said.

Trusting that Kei can have insights regarding the matter, Kiyotaka asked for her thoughts. "What do you think of what Vice President Kiriyama said?"

The two of them seemingly sharing the same brain cells, Kei answered the same concern that Kiyotaka has. "Uh, I don't know. I mean, I still don't really get why he hates President Nagumo that much."

They went silent for a few moments while Kiyotaka thought more about the situation. Then Kei broke the silence with something that has been bothering her for a while now.

"By the way, what was that about earlier? The 'partner' thing."

"What, you didn't like it?"

"If you just arbitrarily make me your partner, it's not like I can do anything about it, right?"

"Should I take it back?"

"If you want me to officially be your partner, then you gotta show appreciation."

"Can you explain to me specifically what you mean by appreciation?"



'Teasing successful!'

"I'm just joking. I mean, you don't seem to be in a position to lend me a lot of points, Kiyotaka. Wait a second. Is Horikita-san okay with this? I mean, she'd be a better partner for you, Kiyotaka. Right?"

Classroom of the Elite FLIPPED: Kei's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now