Three nights later.
It was the day after valentine's day and I was watching TV with my mom when we turned on the news and saw there had been a shooting.
"There was a shooting tonight on Flatbush Avenue, two cops presumed dead. Those two copes being Luke Williams and Jefferson Davis." The news lady said The photos of the two cops were shown. "MOM THAT IS RIOS HUSBAND." I shouted my mom covers her mouth and preys and says "God bless Jefferson Davis may his soul go to heaven and may his family be ok" she said. "May our hearts and souls go out to there family's". The news lady continued. We then heard a scream from next store and loud sobs. "Oh no," my mom said covering her mouth with her hand.

Miles POV
When I saw the news my whole body was gone I broke down I started bawling being with my mom in the living room hearing her sobs and screams made it worse she hugged me and I hugged back her sobs got even louder. She kept screaming "WHY!" "WHY!" I have never seen her in such emotion. I continued to quietly sob and went into my room and punched my punching bag as hard as I could it swung back into the wall leaving a whole in the wall. "FUCK" I scream. My mom couldn't even yell at me she understood in that moment.

One week after
Miles POV
We have gotten flowers and stuff at our door step but none of it could make up for losing my dad. I then saw how much my mom was working and how tired she was. I then went to my uncle Aaron maybe he weirdly know where I could get a job. "Aaron is there any where, where I could get a job?" I asked him. "You really want a job Miles?" He asked, "Yes dude you see how much my mom is working." I say, "There is this guy KingPin he will set you up. About a grand a month, which would help." He said, "Yea,I'll do it." He responded, "You sure kid you will be in for it" he said. "Aaron I told you I need money right now." I spoke, "Ok man just remember you brought this on yourself but you'll learn a lot I tell him to give you a meeting." He said, "Thanks Aaron" I said we did our handshake. "No problem man gotta help my nephew." He said and I left.

The next day
Miles POV
I got a interview with KingPin he told me I was hired right when I walked into his office and then I became the prowler I told uncle Aaron KingPin said that was the only person I could tell our else he kill me and everyone that cares about me. Or I care about.

Miles POV
I had completely changed after my father death and becoming the prowler with my looks and voice even personality. Looks wise I go braids and my voice grew more of a Spanish accent from my mom and my American accent fading a bit after my dad passed. My eyes resting potion are now low not being afraid to look rude or intimidating. Like I used too. My personality changing the most id like to think, I used to be scared about what people thought of me but I don't really care anymore. I grew to know that I had to hurt or even kill these people so KingPin wouldn't hurt or kill the people I cared about, was it shellfish? Yes. Did I care? No. Bounties over my head thousands of dollars would be a reward to catch me or kill me. Nobody getting a chance. I got to mess around for about two years the whole city of Brooklyn New York being in my hands cops trying to catch me. Only to fail, everyone did fail trying to catch me I wasn't afraid to stand out because I knew nobody could catch me. But those amazing two years came to an end when Spider-Women showed up.

It was summer break I could now be care free, and not have to worry about classes when one night I just went for a walk around Brooklyn I walk threw an alley and saw some graffiti that was really good. I was about to take a photo when I feel something crawl on my neck I slap in then it jumps onto my hand and bites me. "Damn." I said slapping the spider with my hand forgetting about the photo.

It was night and I was at my local 7/11 grabbing a bag of chips then deciding to put it back. But I couldn't it was like it was stuck to my hand I kept trying to pull it off making it pop and the chips going everywhere. The plastic now deflected bag still attached to my hand. "I'll pay for that don't worry." I saw to the 7/11 lady she nodded, weird. I then went where you could get a slushy I grabbed my cup and began to pull the dispenser making blue razz berry come out. I decided that was enough and let go of it but my hand didn't. It was stuck I started to freak out as my cup began to over flow with blue raspberry slushy. "No,No,No. Unstick.UNSTICK." I said under my breath the last word coming out more as a shout though. The lady looked to see me struggling she removed her glasses and then looked away. I kept pulling but my hand didn't let go. For some reason the voice in my head was really loud louder then usual. I pulled away breaking the machine the handle now being on my hand and slushy oozing everywhere. I then ran out. Ran out of that 7/11 that I will never show my face in again. And ran home. Stuff kept sticking to my hands. I went into my room and closed the door my hand then sticking to the door I tried to pull away put it pulled me forward and my feet went onto my door and I began to crawl on "WHAT THE HELL." I shouted. "Y/N" my mom shouted back. "SORRY MOM." I say preying she won't come in here to see what is happening. I tried to relax myself  thinking about my friends back in Guatemala and the fun things we did there. I began to unstick and I fell onto my bed. My hand weren't sticking to stuff for a minute I went on my phone and began to google. It was almost like a spider. So weirdly I searched. Spider People|
It came up with people in spider like suits. And there were interviews with one that was actually here on earth 42 but he was all the way in China. Nobody knew his identity he explained that the things that were happening to me happened to him. Just in different formates, his hand didn't get stuck to the 7/11 slushy puller. He then said how he made his webs and how he got over his fears and got use to his powers which included. Sticking to stuff web shooting and other stuff Like be coming invisible. He then said when he first started to stick how he managed to in stock was to relax and how he did stick is in his mind he just said stick but he had to know what he wanted to do. And the web shooters he had to makes those and his suit. I then had to want to stick. I saw my bonnet and in my mind said stick. I didn't stick. Maybe I was just saying it? I tried to say it with feeling but I just looked stupid. Then I sticked then I said in my mind unstick then I unstick.

I was taking out the trash when I saw Miles, he had changed a lot since his dads death but can you blame him? I gave him a wave he gave me a small chuckle. And walked back up to his house, and I walked back up to mine. I then told my mom I would be going out with friends and I brought my backpack and went into an alley and went into a little room that I have been going to, to change into my Spider-Women clothes, and my suit kinda blended in. It was a black and dark grey color with a hood to cover my hair the spider in the middle of my suit though being white. But ever since I actually got the hang of becoming Spider-Women I was swinging threw streets and building when I felt my spider sense go off. I looked over to see a guy with a purple neon mask with claw like gloves and purple Jordan's. He had some purple here and there on his suit too. I looked over and he looked over at me and we made eye contact. I wouldn't know but this would be the start of a long line of being enemy's or maybe even lovers.

Word 3,091 Heyyyy so hope y'all enjoyed this story it is the first chapter but there may be some spelling errors but

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