Journey to the Center of Jean Grey

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Jean brought her hands right up against her chin, her warmth breath flowing over your tiny body. The sudden warmth caused you to shiver with delight. Jean then opened her mouth again and stuck her tongue out to give you a few quick licks. It started with simple upward movements against your body, but then she started licking up and down in a continuous manner with more pressure. After that, she started prodding her tongue around your shoulders and face. The soft, fleshly warmth gliding across your body as the tongue did its licking caused you to giggle in excitement, which earned an open mouth laugh from Jean.

Jean Grey: (If you're enjoying that Y/N, then you're going to love what's next)

Once she was done licking you, she lowered her tongue until it touched the palms of her hands.

Jean Grey: (Hop on in! I promise I won't bite)

Without hesitation, you walked towards the outstretched tongue and climbed onto the thick, wet muscle. As you did this, the sound and force from Jean's breathing became louder and stronger.

Y/N: (Wow! Jean's breath feels amazing! If I could experience this for eternity, I definitely would)

Jean Grey: (I'm happy to hear that Y/N, and remember that I can read your mind)

Y/N: (Right, thanks for the reminder Jean)

Jean Grey: (Just looking out for you)

Once you were on her tongue, Jean moved her hands and waited a minute to make sure you were safely sitting down before she pulled you into her mouth.

Jean Grey: (Alright Y/N, you're now in my mouth. I hope you like it inside)

Y/N: Oh I think I will Jean!

The mighty mutant held her jaw agape to allow as much light inside her mouth so you could easily see. The top and lower molars were parted enough that you could just barely fit between them. Looking around the entire oral cavity left you in awe. The moonlight allowed the mighty teeth and saliva to glisten and make the whole mouth sparkle like a masterful painting. The tongue shifted subtlety underneath you, rippling like a calm river. The tongue's movement emitted squelches, sloshing and popping, which sounded wonderful in your ears. Warm, soft breath flowed out from Jean's throat with a strong force. The flow caused the enticing uvula to swing with a noticeable sway. It was clear to you that Jean's mouth was easily the greatest, grandest entrance in existence.

Just sitting inside Jean's wet mouth was an utter thrill to you. Never in your life had you been this excited. Touching the wet tongue below you sent a shiver of joy through your body. As much fun as it was to just lay inside Jean's mouth, you wanted something a bit more… action oriented.

Y/N: Jean, could you please play with me?

Jean Grey: (You mean treat you like a piece of candy with my tongue).

Y/N: You could say that.

Jean Grey: (Sure thing, if it'll make you happy).

Jean slowly closed her jaws, sealing you in complete darkness. You then felt the tongue rise up and take grip of your body. The fleshly surface clenched your sides with a soft but firm hold. Soon you felt yourself being tossed and turned by the massive tongue as Jean skillfully moved you around her mouth. The giant mutant turned you both like a clock hand and a sausage being cooked on the grill. All the while, she sucked and tasted your entire body, emitting wet slurps and deep moans as she did so. The moans were only for show and play on Jean's part, however.

Being part of Jean's mouthplay was so exciting and thrilling, but it was the almost motherly and tender care she gave that made you all warm and tingle inside, that and the heavy breathing she emitted from her throat. This was something you had always dreamed of doing your entire life and it was still hard to fathom that it was becoming a reality. Slowly but surely, all of the day's stresses and hardships were starting to ebb away.

Eventually, Jean ceased her high octane mouthplay and allowed her tongue to rest on the floor of her mouth. You laid on the tongue in complete bliss from the experience, thrilled with the adrenaline it provided. Yet, the excitement was far from over for you… or Jean.

Your attention was drawn to Jean's throat as she swallowed all of the excess saliva in her mouth. Seeing the juicy uvula bobbing by the dark opening gave you a few ideas.

Y/N: Hey Jean, could I touch your uvula?

Jean Grey: (Promise that you'll be gentle… and I'll let you touch my uvula as much as you desire)

You began crawling towards Jean's throat, her breathing blowing directly into your face as you inched forward, until you were in arm's reach of the uvula. You then got onto your knees and put your hands firmly on Jean's bulbous uvula. The sensation earned a giggle from the mighty mutant. You then began to feel the uvula all over and swung it about left and right, making Jean giggle even more, until you suddenly hugged it in a very loving manner. The act of love towards her uvula took Jean by surprise, in a pleasant way that is. She wasn't even bothered by the slight discomfort that came from the odd sensation of a tiny person touching her uvula.

Jean Grey: (Aw, you must really love this Y/N. I'm glad that I've been able to make you happy)

Y/N: You don't have to mention it Jean.

Jean gave a pleasant moan at your response.

Jean Grey: (Are you ready to be swallowed, Y/N?)

You answered by sitting back and lying flat backside on her muscular tongue.

Y/N: I would prefer going feet first please.

Jean Grey: (As you wish)

Jean started to move her tongue around and tossed you about from side to side to start things off. You looked towards the dark opening with sheer excitement, the beautiful mutant trying to improve your experience by stretching out her throat with a playful "AAAAHHHH!" Her attempts proved to be successful. After this, Jean began pushing you towards her dark throat. You felt a huge rush of adrenaline and excitement as you felt the massive tongue's soft, juicy surface pressed against your backside and saw the throat coming closer and closer to you. Eventually, you fell over the back edge of the tongue and into the gargantuan throat.

Jean smirked to herself, pleased at getting you to the point you had been looking forward to this whole time.

Jean Grey: I suggest you hold on tight Y/N, cause this might be a rough ride.

For the first time in this whole experience, you were able to hear the loud and powerful voice of Jean Grey in your ears, which you absolutely loved.

With you in place, Jean took a deep breath and tilted her head back as she swallowed you with a loud, juicy "GULK!!!"

As the sounds of swallowing blasted all around, you quickly felt yourself being shoved down by the powerful throat muscles into the tight esophagus below, all of which Jean could sense inside her body. The esophagus walls were incredibly restrictive, with powerful contractions that cared little for your status as a living being. You could feel the walls' wet and slimy surface as they pressed on your body. Jean's oppressive breathing and heartbeat echoed all around you, acting as a constant reminder that you were inside the most beautiful woman you had ever seen in your life. The feeling of being pulled down Jean's esophagus was truly mesmerizing, like it was her own admission of her love for you.

After about 20 seconds of squelching contractions, you eventually reached the esophagus opening and fell through it into the vast cauldron that was Jean Grey's stomach with a great splash.

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