It was like getting hit in the head with that big metal disc a second time. "Che'nya? Che'nya Pinker changed my clothes?" You felt like the room was spinning as a pair of hands crept onto your shoulders from behind. A purr rumbled against the sensitive shell of your ear. "Nyello!~! Do you like your uniform? It wasn't easy to make ya'know?" That annoying, sandpaper scratch voice built upon sandcastle weak cat puns was meowing in your other ear next. You brushed him off with an annoyed groan and slipped your feet free from your shoes. "Speak of the Devil..." You murmured as Che'nya laid across the foot of your bed.

His eyes fluttered shut and he sighed with content as he crossed one leg over the other. "That mew-niform is my club's finest work! You should be honored to model it." He purred with a jump of his eyebrows and a wide toothy grin. You didn't mind Che'nya. But the two of you weren't exactly close friends either. "It's... Something." You knew it wasn't entirely up to the beastman and the others who tailored the uniform. But you weren't very happy with what you were given. "It's nothing compared to your old uniform. To be honest, I like Night Raven's more. What kitty isn't a fan of birds?" He sang with a snicker following. You finished off the apples Neige had sliced up for you with a frown. You could never tell when Che'nya was being genuine or not. His carefree nature was something shocking to deal with without the presence of Trey or Riddle. You reminisced the amount of times he would pop up in front of you, Ace, and Deuce in hopes of a good reaction.

And each time the two boys stood in front of you as if they were defending you from the strange beastman. "Where's the pair of card soldiers you keep with you? Didn't they get transferred too?" The colorful beastman asked with a slight flick of his ears as he slowly sat up and allowed his feet to fall to the floor. He sounded confused as to why you were all alone. According to what you gathered from Neige, you were the only student from Night Raven College to be transferred during your nine day coma. "I haven't tried texting them yet, but they're still at NRC. Or, should be." You answered honestly as the beastman's eyes flew open and his smile vanished. "I'm shocked that they haven't broken through the gate yet." The tone in his voice and the expression on his face was that of genuine surprise.

You had been unwillingly separated from the two people who never left your side, and the monster you had tamed was M.I.A as well. Che'nya's tail curled and swayed across the cot as he blinked twice at you, then looked up at the ceiling. "Well, the phone connection is bad here anyways. It would be pretty hard to text them after waking up." He developed a wide toothy smile and his tail stilled. "There's a nice spot on the third floor, if you go to the-" A bell rang from above and Che'nya looked up in alarm. Before he could speak, Neige was doing that for him. "Oh! Che'nya you'll be late for classes! Thank you again for giving her the new uniform." Neige stood up from his stool with a smile as the two locked eyes. Neige's smile was gentle and sweet, hands clasped around his phone that was pressed over his heart. With Che'nya now standing, you couldn't decipher the new face that the beastman wore. His tail was limp as he now towered over Neige with his hands interlocked behind his head. "That's my cue then. If you need anything, always give this kitty a ring! I'll come as quickly as I can~!" His laugh was airy and forced as he made his way towards the door, and vanished as it was flung open.

You felt anxious from the strange student's reaction. Maybe he didn't want to go back to class? Che'nya seemed like the type who would skip if he truly wanted to. You turned your head to Neige who stood near the doorway, watching the student's pass by in silence with his hands against his chest so you couldn't see them. You would see curious male students passing by and hear their occasional gossip.

"That's the NRC girl..."

"Isn't she from another world?"

"So pretty..."

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