Everyone Nodded and returned to the Screen.

"If there is no usable material in close proximity, SCP-2295 will use fabric and stuffing from itself. SCP-2295 regenerates one (1) gram of stuffing every day until completely replacing any lost or used stuffing. Note that fabric used this way does not regenerate, and additional fabric must be placed near SCP-2295 for the purpose of self-mending.

Instances of SCP-2295-1 successfully carry out their respective functions despite the numerous expected biological, chemical, and medical incompatibilities. Once within the subject, adjacent tissues and veins attach to the imitated organ without observable complications. There have been no cases of rejected SCP-2295-1 instances, and all subjects recorded at the time of writing made full recoveries."

Everyone was definitely surprised that this ability 2295 had. "So it can replace damaged organs with fake ones..." Deku thought as he wrote that down. "Fascinating what an incredible ability." Nezu said Fascinated with 2295's abilitys.ability.

"Test Log-2295

Testing approved to test the limitations of SCP-2295. Materials provided within testing chamber.

-Test Log
Subject: D-2353, 38 years old
Diagnosis: Lungs heavily damaged as a result of twenty-five (25) years of smoking
Notes: SCP-2295 creates SCP-2295-1 using one (1) black textile swatch and one (1) red textile swatch. New 'lungs' act at a capacity similar to those of healthy adult lungs."

The Pro heroes were impressed by this, and who it was Able to create Lungs that Work just like the real Thing. "Huh impressive."
Midnight said.

"Subject: D-3452, 50 years old
Diagnosis: Frequent heart palpitations and severe atherosclerosis
Notes: SCP-2295 crochets SCP-2295-1 using various surrounding yarns. SCP-2295-1 observed to have a heartbeat before vanishing. Transfer successful - how SCP-2295-1 manages to perform function despite absorbent properties of material and multiple gaps in design is unknown. Symptoms no longer present in subject."

The pro heroes were definitely impressed that it managed to create a working heart with just Fabric And stuffing. "Dang, that bear is good."
Mt lady said.

"Subject: D-7894, 24 years old
Diagnosis: First and second degree burns ranging throughout upper torso, left lateral, and right leg. D-7894 sedated during testing.
Notes: SCP-2295 sews two (2) 5m x 5m sections of patchwork fabric. SCP-2295 cuts appropriately sized swatches and manually places one layer onto subject's affected areas, creating multiple instances of SCP-2295-1, and then repeats this process. The created SCP-2295-1 layers act as dermis and epidermis and, upon recovery, D-7894 claims to have retained feeling in replaced 'skin'. Subject makes a full recovery."

"Huh this Stuffed Bear is Surprisingly really good at This." Aizawa said. "Agreed." Said the pro heroes.

"Subject: D-2723, 18 years old
Diagnosis: Cerebral hemorrhaging
Notes: SCP-2295 grasps various materials in its proximity in a distressed state for approximately one (1) minute. SCP-2295 then anomalously produces a ███████'s Dove Milk Chocolate King Size Candy Bar and offers it to subject. SCP-2295 spends rest of test embracing subject's lower right leg while anomalously producing a saline solution from its 'eyes'.

Note: It seems like the human brain is the only organ that 2295 Simply can't recreate."

Everyone was Shocked at this. "So it Can't recreated the Brain? Why?" Momo asked.

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