Part 2

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Reo squeezes Nagi's wrist and leads him to go through a sea of people—many of them are donned in pretty and colorful yukatas. He's also wearing a yukata himself tonight; it's a dark violet one with silver dragon patterns. Nagi had complimented him when he'd seen the photos of him wearing this particular yukata for another event last year, and simply because of that it became a no-brainer to him to pick which yukata he's wearing for tonight.

Nagi is also wearing a yukata, simply because Reo asked him to. Nagi's yukata is a black one with a barely visible pattern that looks much more simple yet elegant on him. Nagi looks so good in it, although Reo holds himself back from complimenting his friend out loud for fear of saying too much and making it awkward for both of them. It shouldn't be his fault that he's both hopelessly romantically and sexually attracted to his friend.

"Here," he says, handing Nagi his ikayaki stick.

Reo actually prefers taiyaki rather than any of the grilled meats here, but he knows Nagi likes munching on those grilled squids.

"Yum! Reo, this is delicious!"

"Eh, really? Let me try, then."

Reo fishes some money from his pocket to buy another one, but before he could hand the money to the seller, Nagi beats him to the chance and shoves the squid stick right under his nose.

"Here. Try it."

A familiar warm flush creeps up his face. Hesitantly, he opens his mouth and takes a small bite.

"Tastes good, right?"


To be honest, he barely even registers the taste on his tongue. His mind is rapidly flooded with that was an indirect kiss just now oh my God and Nagi, you will be the death of me.

He quickly regains a composure of himself, muttering about a dango both that they should try before dragging Nagi there. He buys two sticks—one for himself and another one for Nagi who seems to be starving for real.

"When was the last time you ate? Don't tell me you really haven't eaten anything today!"

Like a child getting scolded by their parents, Nagi pouts sulkily. "I ate a cup of noodle this morning," he argues weakly.

Reo stares in disbelief. "Are you for real? Nagi, you should take your health more seriously! How will you become the best player in the world if you..." He trails off when he realizes that Nagi isn't paying attention anymore. Instead, Nagi seems to be completely immersed by whatever is happening in the sky right now. Reo follows his gaze to check it and—

"It's beautiful, Reo."

The fireworks.

It's the bright, huge, blindingly colorful fireworks being launched into the sky at once. Even Reo forgets what he's saying for a second and just stares in awe.

He's so mesmerized by the sight that he fails to register Nagi's movement beside him. Next thing he knows, his face is being tilted, and a pair of lips meet his own.

It's a kiss.

His brain starts whirling a mile a minute before it crashes into reality and stutters to an abrupt stop. He can't breathe. He can't move. He's paralyzed by the bizarre occurrence that is his crush kissing him in the middle of a crowd and for a hot second Reo swears the time is frozen just for them to live in the moment.

It all happens so fast. Reo is a mastermind, a tactician, a person who pursues his idealistic optimism via rational calculation. Yet, at this very moment, all logic seemingly thrown into the wind. It doesn't make sense. No matter how he tries to put it, he cannot find any logical explanation as to why the guy he's been crushing on for more than half a decade is suddenly kissing him here.

Nagi Seishirou, a genius who bases his acts on reflexes and impulses, has him totally beat here. When Nagi inevitably breaks the kiss to allow some oxygen flow into their lungs, all Reo can do is standing still, frozen on the spot, and stares wordlessly at his friend.

"Reo..." Nagi murmurs, voice tender, eyelids fluttering as his piercing gaze seems to see right into Reo's shaken soul.

The call of his name is enough to snap Reo out of his stupified state. Sucking in a deep breath, he tries to put his thoughts into words, "Nagi, did you just—"

His friend stares back at him with such an unwavering gaze that forces Reo to swallow thickly. His voice is barely above a whisper when he rephrases his question.

"Why did you do that?"

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