One step closer

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I walked trough the hall, being the only person going this direction. My heels pointing out my steps as they come in touch with the ground. A single strand of my hair falling out of my french braids, which I quickly remove from my face. The same smell of plants thatI have been smelling for 11 years hits my nose,  realising that I am getting closer to the office.

"Mis. Rostova just on time" A sharp male voice that I know since I was born came echoing trough out the room as I entered his office "Didn't think I would be late now did you?"  I asked with a grin "I certainly hoped not, I raised you better" He said with the same expression almost mimicking me.

"Moving on to business," the older man paused before taking papers out of his drawer and placing them on the table "Leon Schneider, really helpful german man, has a gift for us and you need to receive it." he spoke as I made my way to his desk to look at the file. "Where will I be meeting this gentleman?" I asked looking into my father's eyes "The pearl in Berlin, Germany. You'll leave in the morning." I nodded and took the files "Is that all?" I asked and he nodded

I left his office with the papers in my hand as I now was heading the same way as everyone else. I opened the elevator and stepped in greeting everyone.

Soon I was on the highest floor which happens to be on the same level as the ground. I stepped out of the elevator and made my way out of the building.

I saw my car where I parked it before I got here and unlocked it, getting in afterwards. I put the papers in the passenger seat as I started the car. I put on the radio and drove off.

W.A.L.K.E.R is a organisation my father started planning on 29 years ago. 11 years I have helped him. And finally it is in action.

The humans have been destroying the world enough and with our little vaccine, we are gonna put a stop to that.

I put the radio louder when I heard the most relatable part of the sound "You're always asking what is up, up with me" I sang along the song "Could never tell you what happened- The day I turned seventeen." Seventeen was the age my father told about his work. His plans. And ever since I have committed to it as well.

I made a quick stop at the gas station, the walls filled with the avengers posters. I scoffed. The avengers are the worlds new superheroes. Saved the world of aliens invasion and ever since been the hot topic. I took the crackers that were next to the poster and went to the cash register. "1.99$" the guy on the other side said "Keep the change." I took my crackers and went back to my car.

I got in my apartment happy to take my heels off. Made my way to my room and packed my suitcase. I didn't need much stuff as I was staying there for a one night.

The time went by fast, I mean it. One minute I am in a cab driving to the airport and the next I am driving from the airport to my hotel.

What didn't went fast was the time till I had to meet up with Mrs. Schneider. It was 6.30 pm now and our meeting wasn't till 8 pm. So I did the only reasonable thing. I took a one hour nap.

When my alarm went up I let out a long groan and got up. I put on a dark red dress with black lace over it, black heels. Styled my hair and did my makeup. The way to the bar club from my hotel was 5 minutes. So I was on time.

I entered and checked my surroundings, trying to find Mrs. Schneider. The alcohol hit my nose before I could get to the bar. I got a call, I let out a groan as I checked the id "I am working. This better be important." I told my father "Mrs. Schneider's man had informed me that there are armed HYDRA man in the club," I looked around and indeed saw armed man, I cursed under my breath "Do it fast" he said before hanging up.

I made my way to the bar "Surprise me." I said with a smirk and the lady started to make my cocktail. I took my cocktail and left my bill on the counter "For the glass as well" I left before she could say a word.

I looked around the room before I spotted the man I was looking for. I made my way towards him seeing girls around him laughing probably at something not funny. His man on the other hand standing afar from him.

"Mrs. Schneider" I called out to him, putting my fee hand on my hip, he brought his head up "Well, Well. Excuse me ladies, I'll be back in a minute" he said getting up and putting his hand my back leading me towards the corner of the bar.

I put my drink down "I was informed you had a gift for me" I said with a pleased smirk "I do indeed" He said giving me the bag before checking the HYDRA agents "Are you gonna be able to keep it safe?" He asked, but I couldn't help, but smirk when I had my hands in it "I'll manage" I said getting up "Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen" I said in his native language "так же" and he in mine.

Before I could even turn around I heard gun shot and people screams around the room. I bent down, seeing the closest HYDRA man standing few feet away, pointing his gun at Leon. I took last sip of the drink before smashing the top off.

I made my way towards the agent avoiding his bullet that now was heading towards my direction. I kicked him and stabbed him in the neck with the broken glass. I took his gun and shot the last agent as Leon man took care of the rest. Mrs. Schneider man never put their guns away. Never letting their guard down.

I looked at Leon as he made his way towards me "Pleasure doing business with you" he said before motioning to his man to leave. I left few minutes after them, I had to check the man to find anything useful, but I had to rush out trough the back door when I heard the cops sirens. Leaving me with only the gift.

"Why was HYDRA there?" I asked storming into my father's office. His office was the first thing I came to after flying back to NYC "Mrs Schneider informed me that you saved his life. He was very pleased with you and I might say me too" My father said not showing his proudness. My emotionless expression never leaving me "Mrs. Schneider used to have business with HYDRA, but when we met and I told him my plans, he decided to stop having business with HYDRA and start with me. Ever since HYDRA has been after him." He explained.

I got closer to him and gave him the bag. He opened the bag and pulled out a vaccine. "Shall we test it?" He asked with a smirk and I couldn't help, but grin.

Joseph, HYDRA's man that we kidnapped for this reason. And he happened to be the first to test our vaccine. And just like dad said, it worked. He was doing what we told him to do.

"Everything is in motion. The government believes we have found the cure for cancer, hell even been in the lab where my man make it so called cure for cancer. They will be the first to try it while the whole word watches it. And they will follow and soon everyone will be vaccinated and then we will have full control. Full control, imagine that. I have to call my man and inform them to start making more and more till there's enough for the whole world." My father said resting his hands on my shoulders. "We did Irina." He smiled. "And it's for free." I pointed out.

One step closer to victory.

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