"The subjects can move surprisingly fast, covering over 60 m (200 ft) in a matter of seconds."

"They're fast and I think they can possibly rival my speed." Iida said, still impressed at how fast they go. (I didn't do any research on how fast Iida can go, sorry).

"The subjects, however, lack a braking system, which has led to some rather spectacular, if not overly amusing, mishaps involving the creatures. The subjects have also shown the ability to climb sheer surfaces, and have gotten lost in the air vents on more than one occasion."

Some chuckled at the two's mishaps, while the some became plenty when they heard they ran up the walls and into the vents.

"Guys the impostor is orange and yellow, I saw them vent." Sero said which made some laugh again. "I don't get it." Jiro said to which her (boy)friend, Denki whispered to her saying "It's an Among Us reference." It took Jiro 5 seconds to think. Until, "Ohhhh." She began laughing now that she got the reference.

"The subjects seem to have the intelligence of common house cats and are insatiably curious. Most of the time they simply roll around the facility, observing personnel at work and catching peeks at other Safe class SCPs. The subjects seem to be able to communicate with each other via an untranslatable high-pitched babbling."

"Aww... I want to hear what they sound like." Camie cooed.

"The subjects have never been observed to blink, even in laboratories when the subjects have been videotaped for over 18 consecutive hours."

"Bet they could win a staring challenge with anyone." Present Mic said and then turned to Aizawa. "Like you Sho!" he shouted which annoyed him. "Shut up." He said.

"The subjects seem to respond well to any affection given to them and will quickly bond to the giver of said affection, much in the same way a puppy bonds with a human being. They will follow anyone or anything they've made a bond with anywhere, even into normally restricted areas. Although curious, the subjects can sense danger in their general vicinity, and if the object of their bond begins to approach something they register as dangerous (e.g., Euclid or Keter class objects) they will swarm around their bonded companion's feet (or appropriate extremities) while babbling in a panicked tone, as if to warn them. Because of the daily dangers faced by Site-19 staff in dealing with Euclid and Keter class objects, it is recommended that staff avoid making attempts to bond with the subjects, as it can pose a distraction during delicate operations and experiments and may pose a danger to the subjects themselves (see Addendum 131-1)."

"Pets can be like that sometimes." Midnight said. "Agreed." The rest of the pro heroes said altogether.

"If the subjects are ignored by their bonded target long enough, they will eventually lose interest and return to their normal activities.It should be noted that the subjects require no real care or maintenance from the site staff. They do not eat, leave droppings, or even sleep. It would seem that the only sustenance they require is visual stimulation (although this requires further study to verify)."

"Something in my mind tells me I want a pet like that to exist." Manga said. "Huh, why?" Tokage asked his speech bubble-headed friend. "So they can either wake me up at the right time when sleeping in the night and/or warn me of intruders in the house." He explained.

"Subjects SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B were found in a cornfield outside in the year 19. They were promptly transported to Site-19 via [DATA EXPUNGED] and were then downgraded to Safe class and given free rein across the site once it became clear they were not broadcasting what they saw to any hostile foreign powers."

"So that was the reason why you let them roam around the facility?" Kendo asked Zero. "Correct Ms. Kendo." he responded.

"Addendum 131-1: During an incident that took place on , the subjects followed one of the cleaning staff on routine cleaning of the container of SCP-173. After their normal attempts to warn the cleaner of the danger were ignored, the creatures rushed into the container in front of him and the other two personnel on duty. Once inside, the staff members observed the subjects sitting in front of SCP-173 and watching it intently, as if aware that it could only move if unobserved. The cleaners ignored the presence of the subjects and continued with the bi-weekly cleaning as per standard procedures. When the cleaning crew left, the subjects did as well, rolling backward slowly and never taking their eyes off of SCP-173. Current applications of SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B as "wardens" for SCP-173 (and perhaps other SCP which require constant observation, such as SCP-689) are being considered."

"Woah, it can help with any SCPs that are based on eye contact!" Midoriya exclaimed and wrote it down. Along with the SCPs mentioned just in case Zero will talk about it "Well thank Goodness That they manage to find a Way to contain that Horrible Statue." The pro Heroes thought.

The then ended And Zero then looked at the audience. "So what do guys think of This one?"

"Well It was Certainly good to know that there are other friendly Scp's like 999." Iida said.

"It was also good to Know that they managed to Find a way to Contain 173."

"And It was Certainly good to see more of These Cuties!" The girls said. "I can't wait to see more of Them!" Mina said.

"Well you all are in luck, because next is another personal favorite Scp of mine. And this one I think is also Going to blow you all Away."
Zero said, as he uploaded the next file.

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