伍 ; New Mission

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— A LOUD SCREAM ECHOES down the hallway, followed by a frantic protest.

"No! I can't possibly take any more of this!"

Hikari peeks into the room, and sees a yellow-haired boy trembling while almost hiding from Aoi. She laughs as she realizes why he was so scared, and approaches silently.

"We go through this every day!" Aoi yells. "Saying you're in bad shape is an understatement. Take your medicine this second!"

"She's right, you know." Hikari adds quietly, making the boy jump in surprise. "You've been poisoned by a demon, and that doesn't wear off with just rest. You're lucky you were found. Ten more minutes and you would have been dead, Zenitsu-kun."

"Y-You know my name! How do you know my name?! I've never seen you before in my life!" Zenitsu exclaims.

"Never mind that. You've got to take whatever Aoi-san gives you, because she knows what it does better than anyone else." the Sky Hashira smiles, before looking across the room to a shock of red hair.

"Thanks, Hikari-san." Aoi whispers to her, and she nods.

"Tanjiro-kun." she says, carefully approaching the boy. "How are you feeling after yesterday? I know it must have been exhausting to return from Natagumo and be trialed."

"O-Oh, hello, Kyoudo-san! I-I'm alright, thank you!" Tanjiro stutters, smiling nervously.

"That's good to hear. I expect you'll be starting your Rehabilitation Training soon enough, although at this rate I doubt Zenitsu will join you until at least a few days after you begin." Hikari remarks, lightly chuckling before turning away.

Just as she reached the doorway, Tanjiro called out to her.

"Kyoudo-san! Be safe out there!"

Hikari didn't know how to react. Her eyes widened behind her blindfold, and all she could manage was a wave back.

'God, why is that kid so nice?'

「 ☁️ 」
「 ☁️ 」

— "HIKARI, IT'S SO LOVELY TO SEE YOU AGAIN," Ubuyashiki smiles as Hikari bows towards him.

"The same to you, Master." she whispers.

"I have a task for you, Hikari. One that I believe only you can excel in." Ubuyashiki begins.

"Once Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke complete their Rehabilitation Training, I would like you to take all three of them under your wing as your Tsuguko. You are yet to receive one of your own and I truly believe you could teach them well and turn them into future Hashira."

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