
Comincia dall'inizio

"How long have you two been together?"

"Two years." I tell her.

"So you were eighteen...nineteen when you got together?" She asks and I look at her.

"Uhm...yeah, eighteen."

"You were young, you're not supposed to get mixed in with older people at that age." She says and I pick up my pen, tapping it against the paper.

"There's only a five year difference, I'm more mature than you'd think...I've always related to her, I've never once regretted getting involved with her because she's really amazing. The age difference never mattered to me." I smile thinking about Natalie....especially her cuddles, they're amazing. Her smile too, that makes my heart melt.

"Right...How did you guys meet?" She asks and I laugh a little.

"She stole my book, it was mine—I saw it first and she took it and said 'unlucky', I was not unlucky she was just being rude..." I smile and so does Professor Moore.

"It sounds like you really love her, she sounds amazing, I don't think you have anything to worry about, Diana." She says and I nod.

"Yeah...I guess, I tend to overthink." I smile.

"Why don't you go back to your dorm? I'm sure I can finish this up myself." She tells me and I look at her.

"No—that's okay. Really." I say.

"No, really. You should call her." She says and I nod.

"Thank you, professor." I stand up holding my phone in my hand.

"You can just call me Josephine when we're alone..It's very similar to Jonathan." She tells me and I laugh a little.

"I guess it is...I better make my social media's private." I smile and she laughs.

"I'm more of a woman to ask for a number, so don't worry about that." She says and I look away.

"Can I get your number?" I ask looking back to her, her mouth falls open slightly. Wait—no, wrong way to ask—I'm not—

"Oh! Oh my god—not in that way! Sorry, I'm just really bad for checking my emails, I forget they exist sometimes...I would get the message faster if you needed my help." I say. That was so wrong of me to say.

"Yes, then." She stands up and I open my phone before handing it to her. She types quickly. I bite the inside of my cheek awkwardly before she hands me the phone.

"Just send a text and I will save your number." She says and I nod. I send a dot.

"I think my roommates staying out tonight, hopefully, she is." I say to Charlie who's on FaceTime, propped up against my pillow.

"What happened to being friends with Amber? She's your roommate, isn't she?"

"Yeah...She is my friend, she just doesn't like me on call and talking too loudly." I come up with an excuse quickly. I hear Charlie chewing on something crunchy.

"Charlie bear." I say grabbing a hoodie off of my desk chair as it's cold.

"Mmhmm?" I hear him humming, I put the hoodie over my head while sitting onto my bed. I fix my hair as I look at Charlie through the phone.

"Have you spoken to Natalie and stuff today?" I ask and he stops crunching.

"No...why, what happened?" He questions and I shrug.

"I don't know, it's her birthday...I was planning to call with her as you know, but I called earlier and I swear I heard Olivia...I might be wrong though." I pick at the fabric of the hoodie, it's Natalie's hoodie. I stole lots of her clothes, it helps me sleep when I'm struggling, wearing her clothes.

"Olivia?" I hear shuffling, he picks up his phone, he looks at me through it with a very serious face.

"Yeah...then she basically hung up on me...maybe it's because I didn't come home for Halloween because the diner wouldn't let me off...it's been the longest I haven't seen her and I just...maybe she's getting sick of not seeing me anymore." I sigh bringing my legs to my chest, pulling the hoodie over my legs. I'm overthinking it. I know that.

"Maybe she's busy...trying to distract herself from you not being around because she misses you, whenever I call over with Maria and Tatum she's moody."

"So she hangs out with her ex...her ex wife?" I cross my arms, resting them on my knees.

"Maybe Olivia showed up randomly."

"Maybe." I say. I trust Natalie with my life. I just...I don't get why she rushed off the phone without an explanation, while I go outside at night when it's freezing just to speak with her, to hear her voice because I love her.

"I don't want to get mad at her about it...or seem jealous, but to be honest, I am." I groan dropping my head.

"I'm gonna add her to the FaceTime." Charlie says and I lift my head.

"No—don't!" I huff.

"She's not answering anyway...text her." He says. I pick up my phone before dropping my legs. I fall back before rolling into my stomach.

"I'm gonna leave it for tonight, I texted her a few times but I've gotten no response."

"Well, it's only like a week till you see her anyway, is Beck still picking you up?" He asks and I nod.

"Look, Amber text me and she's asking do I want something before she comes back to the dorm....I have to go, I'll talk to you later. I love you, Charlie bear." I lie and he groans. That was a lame excuse.

"I love you, chicken." He says and I hang up.

I throw my phone to the the top of my bed before hitting the back of my head off my blanket a few times.

This would be a lot easier if Natalie would answer her phone.

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